Wow, where to start?
My heart has been so heavy for my little girl these past weeks. Not only are we going through the LOVELY (note the sarcasm) terrible two's right now... but we're also battling strep throat (again... for the 2nd time in 2 months, 4th time in her little life!) AND getting ready for a new addition to the family that will be here July 30th, if not before. WHEW! Prayers are welcomed.
Terrible two's. Oh my. Some days i just want to scream.
Me: "You want some crackers?"
K: "okay"
Me: gets the crackers and put them in a bowl... "here you go"
Me: gets another cracker out, "these?"
K: "okay"
Me: pours them into the bowl
K: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, udder onessss" (other ones)
Thats just one 'for instance'. It continues all day, with various things. Then comes the "I dont want to"... or the "no mommy"....
I feel like i discipline everyday.
I'm really trying hard to be consistant. But goodness gracious, i do believe i have the MOST strong-willed, hard-headed, drama queen child out there. I'm serious.
What is making it even harder right now is the fact that shes A.) sick and B.) on medicine that has side effects of "restlessness" aka hyperactivity!! So, im trying to still discipline, but trying to make sure its not just the medicine or sickness talking. Does that make sense?
Not to mention im feeling a little guilty about having this baby boy. Don't get me wrong, i already love him so much and do not regret any decisions made and feel so blessed to be having him, but i just know its going to be a hard transition for Kaitlyn. I'm trying to prepare her... but i dont think anything can really prepare you for such a change. She is a mommy's girl (for right now... its slowly switching to daddy)... and i just hope things go smoothly. I've been letting her play with her baby dolls in all of the baby equipment...
here she is "changing the baby's diaper"

...and swinging baby...

....annnnndddddddddd, getting CAUGHT playing on the bouncer. I've been trying to teach her that BABY'S go in that and that she is a BIG girl. Needless to say, its a little hard for her to understand.

Here's a little picture of her kissing my belly. Hope to have a better shot of this soon. When we ask her who is in mommy's belly, she says "brudder". :)

If you ever get the chance, or think about us... please just say a prayer for us and this HUGE transition we are about to go through as a family. I cannot WAIT to meet my little baby boy.... and am so thankful for all that God has blessed me with.
Heres the survey...
*How far along? practically 38 weeks.
*Total weight gain/loss: 43lbs.
*Maternity clothes? the pickin's are slim... but i REFUSE to buy anything more. This is the last pregnancy for me. Lord willing.
*Stretch marks? a couple.
*Sleep: actually sleeping a little better these days... go figure.
*Best moment this week: ummmm.... every day getting a day closer to delivery??????? hasn't been the best week.
*Movement: yes sir.
*Food cravings: subway. for some unknown reason.
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: got it, will announce when we feel ready! :)
*Labor Signs: LOTS of pain and pressure...
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: everything about a normal body. wearing my wedding rings.
*Weekly Wisdom: I CAN DO THIS!
My heart has been so heavy for my little girl these past weeks. Not only are we going through the LOVELY (note the sarcasm) terrible two's right now... but we're also battling strep throat (again... for the 2nd time in 2 months, 4th time in her little life!) AND getting ready for a new addition to the family that will be here July 30th, if not before. WHEW! Prayers are welcomed.
Terrible two's. Oh my. Some days i just want to scream.
Me: "You want some crackers?"
K: "okay"
Me: gets the crackers and put them in a bowl... "here you go"
Me: gets another cracker out, "these?"
K: "okay"
Me: pours them into the bowl
K: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, udder onessss" (other ones)
Thats just one 'for instance'. It continues all day, with various things. Then comes the "I dont want to"... or the "no mommy"....
I feel like i discipline everyday.
I'm really trying hard to be consistant. But goodness gracious, i do believe i have the MOST strong-willed, hard-headed, drama queen child out there. I'm serious.
What is making it even harder right now is the fact that shes A.) sick and B.) on medicine that has side effects of "restlessness" aka hyperactivity!! So, im trying to still discipline, but trying to make sure its not just the medicine or sickness talking. Does that make sense?
Not to mention im feeling a little guilty about having this baby boy. Don't get me wrong, i already love him so much and do not regret any decisions made and feel so blessed to be having him, but i just know its going to be a hard transition for Kaitlyn. I'm trying to prepare her... but i dont think anything can really prepare you for such a change. She is a mommy's girl (for right now... its slowly switching to daddy)... and i just hope things go smoothly. I've been letting her play with her baby dolls in all of the baby equipment...
here she is "changing the baby's diaper"

...and swinging baby...

....annnnndddddddddd, getting CAUGHT playing on the bouncer. I've been trying to teach her that BABY'S go in that and that she is a BIG girl. Needless to say, its a little hard for her to understand.

Here's a little picture of her kissing my belly. Hope to have a better shot of this soon. When we ask her who is in mommy's belly, she says "brudder". :)

If you ever get the chance, or think about us... please just say a prayer for us and this HUGE transition we are about to go through as a family. I cannot WAIT to meet my little baby boy.... and am so thankful for all that God has blessed me with.
Heres the survey...
*How far along? practically 38 weeks.
*Total weight gain/loss:
*Maternity clothes? the pickin's are slim... but i REFUSE to buy anything more. This is the last pregnancy for me. Lord willing.
*Stretch marks? a couple.
*Sleep: actually sleeping a little better these days... go figure.
*Best moment this week: ummmm.... every day getting a day closer to delivery??????? hasn't been the best week.
*Movement: yes sir.
*Food cravings: subway. for some unknown reason.
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: got it, will announce when we feel ready! :)
*Labor Signs: LOTS of pain and pressure...
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: everything about a normal body. wearing my wedding rings.
*Weekly Wisdom: I CAN DO THIS!