This sweet boy turns the big 5 today.
As in, the "Mom, i'm a whole hand" birthday.I think i write this every year - but every year its hard to believe he's "insert another age here".
I had no idea how much having a little boy would change my life. Completely different than having a little girl - but just as wonderful.
My sweet Caleb,
When i put you to bed tonight - you were still four. But when you wake up tomorrow, you will be FIVE. Only a few hours difference, but yet you will seem years older to me.
5 is big. 5 was tough for me to watch your sister turn, and i fear its going to be the same with you. 5 means your a big kid now. You are no longer a preschooler. I may cry.
You are THE sweetest boy i've ever met. You pick me "flowers"(weeds) daily, you open my car door for me without me asking you to, you constantly want to "snuggle", and you even went as far as to earn your first prize out of the prize box at school and pick something for ME, not yourself.
You love to help. You are a pro at rinsing dishes, folding laundry, skimming the pool, watering flowers, etc. You beg to be outside with daddy when he's working on something - helping him pick up sticks, mow the grass, or just watch him work on things.
You love anything that has to do with cars or big trucks. (You are your father's son!) You are already asking when you get to drive by yourself on the "real roads" and when i ask you what kind of vehicle you want to drive when you're older - you always say "a BIG truck that goes fast and sounds really loud!" Be still my mama heart. (Ya'll - pray for me in 11 years.)
You love your sister. You love to fret her and pick on her... but oh how you cry when she cries and hurt when she hurts. When she's not home, you are lost!

You love to be outside. Anything that involves a ball or running is right up your alley. I just signed you up for soccer this fall and i'm excited to see you out there on the field. I think you're going to LOVE it! You also love the beach or snow. You could play in it all.day.
Your speech has developed a lot this year, but you still have a few words that remind me you're still little.
"Loos-ually" = Usually
"Turch" = Church
You still have your silly personality. Definitely a class clown in the making. Always cracking a joke or doing something crazy for a laugh. I hope you never lose that! A sense of humor is a wonderful quality.
You have quickly become your daddy's shadow this past year. You watch to see what he's wearing for the day and then go upstairs and try to pick out the same outfit for yourself. You mimic the things he says and how he does things. You want to eat what he eats (even cucumbers in vinegar - you'll choke it down and swear you like it, just to have what he's having!) :)
You have - in just a little over a month - gone from not wanting to get your face wet in the pool and wearing floaties - to jumping in, going completely under, and swimming all around without them! Super proud of you, sweet boy!
To try and put into words what you mean to me is not possible. You are so special - and i know the Lord has great things in store for you. You love with your whole heart, and i pray one day that you surrender that sweet, loving heart to the Lord, and strive to live for Him everyday. We sure do love you, buddy! Happy, happy 5TH birthday Caleb Matthew!
Interview with Caleb - 7/29/15
What is your favorite color?: BLUE!
What is your favorite movie?: How To Train a Dragon
What is your favorite outfit?: Ninja Turtle costume!
What sport do you like best?: Basketball
What song do you love?: "Never Gives Up" (aka what he calls "One Thing Remains" by Kristian Stanfill)
What is your favorite cereal?: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Who is your best friend?: Kyleigh J
What do you want to be when you grow up? a daddy... and go to work with daddy. (heart melt!)
What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?: burger!
What are you afraid of?: "I'm not..." (HA!)
What is your favorite thing to drink?: lemonade
What is your favorite season?: Fall, so i can help daddy pick up leaves.
What is your favorite animal?: giraffes
What is your favorite book?: Harry the Dirty Dog
What are you really good at?: working with daddy, swimming in the pool..
Where do you wish you could go on vacation?: the beach!
What would you buy if you had $1000?: a REAL robot!
What do you like to do with your friends?: swim with them in the pool.
What do you hope to do before your next birthday?: go to the bouncy house!!!