I decided to make one of these blog's to help friends and family keep updated on whats going on in our lives. Hopefully i will be able to find the time to keep this updated... posting pictures every now and then. Our lives are richly blessed by God, and we want to share that with whoever wants to read this! Here goes nothing...
Most everyone reading this - knows us. We've been married for 3 years and couldn't be happier! We bought our first house in July of '05 and have been working hard to keep it ever since! HA! :) No, really... we enjoy it. There's nothing like owning a house. MUCH better than the apartment life...
We just sold our co-owned 'side business' - the Sno Shack. ( For those of you in Lynchburg - it was the just like "Bahama SnoShack"..) It was a great money maker - but took a lot of time that none of us had with full time jobs. All i can say is that God answered MANY prayers by allowing us to sell it so quickly and for the price we did.
Definitely keep us in your prayers... we're expecting some big changes the next couple of months - with even the possibility of selling our house and purchasing another one in another town. God is good, and we know that wherever we end up - it will all be God's soverign plan... its just going to be hard for me. Matt is pretty good with change, he's moved over 17 times in his life(crazy, right?) - but as for me... all this moving stuff is kinda tough. I lived in the same house for over 18 years - and moving is not exactly my cup of tea... :(
I guess that is all for now... i will try to update every couple days to a week. Or whenever anything really exciting happens.. I hope all is well with all of you.