7 weeks today! ….Only 33 more???? Oh my…
This past week has been a roller coaster ride for me. A few days I felt great, a few days I felt like I had been hit by a Mack-truck. I have really been struggling with worrying this week, but I don’t know why – my trust is in God! I guess its just my personality – I have always worried about EVERYTHING (don’t believe me? just ask my family – my dad’s nickname for me was his “what-if?” girl).
Matt has really been encouraging me to not worry, because worry does nothing…. But its SO much easier said than done. Monday the 4th I started having some cramping, nothing that took my breath, but it just felt like I was going to start my monthly. It scared me to death. I have talked to many people (including the nurse at my doctor office) and they all said that its most likely the stretching of my uterus(yikes!)… just as long as there is no bleeding, I was ok. So far, so good. No bleeding, and not as many cramps. Just please continue to pray for us!!
Only 2 more weeks until my next doctor appointment! Speaking of doctors, I’m thinking I’m going to change mine. The doctor’s office I’m going to now is in Asheboro, NC and that is where they are wanting me to deliver. However, I’ve heard some things about Randolph Hospital (in Asheboro) that aren’t so great. So, hopefully, I’m going to try and get in with a new doctor in Greensboro, and deliver at Women’s Health Hospital of Greensboro. I have only heard GREAT things about this hospital and it’s a hospital especially for women (childbirth, etc). Of course, nothing is in stone yet, but that is my plan. I want to be somewhere where I am comfortable – and I just like Greensboro. Plus, it’s closer for my family to make the trip in! :)
As far as sickness goes, I still haven’t gotten to the point of hovering over the “white porcelain throne”, but I’m still getting waves of nausea. Nothing that food doesn’t help, though! Isn’t that weird? Usually when you’re sick, the last thing you want to think about is food. Not this time. Food is usually what helps. Crazy! And I’m still taking my hour-long naps in the afternoon after work… and getting very acquainted with all sorts of restrooms everywhere I go! Haha.
Anyways, here’s to a new week! I get so excited when I turn another week… I just hope everything is going well inside of me. I KNOW my God makes NO mistakes! :)
Thank you Jesus, for blessing us so much!
Until next week,
P.S. Maybe by the next post i'll have actual pictures of my whole body, including my face! haha. Sorry about the lack-there-of... during pregnancy, you really dont feel all too glamourous.