Here I am at 8 weeks! Is it just me, or do weeks seem to last so much longer these days…?
Nothing really new to report. I’m not having any more cramps like I was… I have little twinges and a pain here or there, but nothing too bad. I am definitely sleeping a lot lately… last night I believe I fell asleep before Jeopardy even went off (wow, we sound like a "happenin' couple"..haha!!) and didn’t wake up until 5:30am this morning (with the exception of the 1:30am half-asleep bathroom break). YIKES! Maybe I can get all my sleep in now before I start getting huge and not being able to get comfortable…or better yet, when the baby comes and then sleep will be a distant memory. ;)
My doctor’s appointment is next Thursday, so hopefully I’ll be able to post that info as soon as I get home. I am REALLY hoping they atleast search for a heartbeat and let us hear it. This pregnancy is so surreal to me, I almost need to hear or see something that makes it all sink in.
I was reading through my previous posts, and I haven’t really mentioned much about Matt in them… and I definitely want to brag on him a little, not only because Fathers Day is coming up(teehee:) -its technically his first!) but, just because he has helped me SO MUCH lately!
Matt is truly my rock. He supports me so much, and I can’t imagine being pregnant without someone right beside me to help me through. On his days off lately he’s been helping straighten our house so I wouldn’t be so stressed out about it, helping with dinner on days we get home and I’m way to tired to even think about cooking, and rubbing my back at night when I start getting my 'waves of nausea'. He is truly amazing, and I love him so much. He even rubs my belly and talks to the baby already! :) I can’t wait to see him as a “daddy” – I know he’s going to be the best. And I can already tell that the baby (whatever it is, boy or girl) is going to have his/her daddy wrapped around their little finger!!!
So, speaking of boy or girl… Matt seems to think(or should i say hope?) we’re having a boy. I think we’re having a girl. Obviously, it’s way too early to tell, I just have that intuition. Although, Matt went to his Great Aunt Gladys’ house this past week and she told him it was a boy… and he says she’s pretty good at predicting. Not to mention, everyone around me keeps referring to it as a“he”. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see… Whatever it is, I just hope it’s healthy!!
Well, i guess thats all for now... until next week, folks! :)
Love Always,
the mommy-to-be:)