So we meet again… at week 9!!! HURRAY! T-minus 31 weeks to go! That means roughly 217 days. or 5,208 hours. or 312,480 minutes. Ok, I’ll stop now. ;)
This past week has not been one of my best weeks. I have been a whole lot more nauseated at night – one night, I even put a trashcan next to my bed. I believe that was also the night I woke up at 1am to use the bathroom, and then at 4am because I was so hungry, I thought if I sat up, I would throw up. Thankfully, my WONDERFUL husband didn’t have to go into work until 11am the next morning, so I didn't feel guilty waking him up! He went and got me some cheerios and some water! Once again, I don’t know what I would do without him!
I have also been a lot more tired this week, and ‘slightly’ moody. I know, I know… me being moody is a HARD thing to believe, because I’m always so sweet and kind, right? HA! ;) I have been biting peoples heads off left and right lately, more so at work than at home. If I have bitten your head off here recently, please forgive me! :) I’m really trying to control my hormones, I promise. A lady at work told me that i was definitely having a girl if I was this moody. Matt said, in that case, i must be having girl triplets! Haha. Lord help me!! ..and my husband! :)
If you don’t know by now, let me just inform you that next week (June 25-29) is VACATION!!!! Let me get an AMEN! ::cue Hallelujah chorus here:: Although we haven’t really planned on a huge “get-a-way” - I’m still SOOO excited about sleeping in EVERY morning! Matt wants to do some things around the house – mainly some finishing touches before we stick that big "for sale" sign in our yard -YIKES!!! I told him I wanted to go to the Zoo, but if you’ve ever been to the NC Zoo, you know if you aren’t in tip-top shape, you’ll die from walking so much. But since its only 10 minutes from our house, roughly $10 to get in, and he’s never been before – I really want to make it a point to go. Plus, its great exercise for me….that is, if I don’t pass out! ;) I also want to go play putt-putt, since last year on our vacation, I beat the SOCKS off of Matt!(haha… yeah right, I think I had double the strokes he had..) Oh well. It’s still fun to play. For the most part, I think we’re just going to hang around town, get things done to our house, and have a little fun. Maybe go get ice cream. And rent movies. And be couch potatoes. YESSS!! :)
So, i saved the best information for last...
I had my doctor appointment today. This was the last one at this doctors office - the next one is July 3rd at my NEW doctors office (too bad i have to get blood drawn all over again... UGH!) Anyways, this appointment, we actually got to meet THE ob-gyn(yes, the only ob-gyn in this particular office - my new office has 7!).. she was nice, talked to us about our questions and concerns, and then.... she said she was going to TRY and listen for the heart beat!! She said i was only 9 weeks, and they usually dont try to listen for it until 10 weeks, but since i was fairly skinny - we'd have a better chance of hearing it! So... she squirts that COLD jelly on my tummy and pulls out this little handy machine, puts the doppler thing on my stomach... and then we hear.... my heartbeat! haha! She's like... well, that one is yours... and then she moved it around some more.... and some more... until BAM! It sounded like a horse! 177 beats strong! It was absolutely the most AMAZING sound i have ever heard. So amazing, that i wanted to just take that nifty machine home with me and listen to it 24-7. Words can not describe my feeling. or Matts face :) He's still smiling ear to ear...
So there ya go, the doctor said everything seemed great... i did happen to gain 5 pounds in 9 weeks(which is all im supposed to gain in 12!!!!) but, hey.. she told me not to fret it, i was skinny to begin with, but just to 'watch what i ate' and to stay away from empty calories.. which is the hardest thing to do..EVER!
Here's to another week - even though its been a tough one - hearing the heartbeat made it all worthwhile. I can't imagine seeing it on ultrasound for the first time... i'm going to CRY!!!!!!
P.S. Don't forget to still keep us in your prayers... we still need every single one! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!