I'm finally in the double digits now! Week 10!!! :)
There's not a whole lot to write this week... except that im going to cry when Monday comes. This week of vacation has been WONDERFUL! Even though we didnt go anywhere or do much... just being at home and spending some time together has been amazing! :)
Monday, all we really did was straighten up the house... Matt mowed grass...I did laundry... we went to Lowes for a couple things... really, we just got some things done that needed to be done.
Tuesday, we woke up at the crack-of-dawn to meet Matts grandparents to play golf. I wasn't going to go, but decided i really didn't feel like being cooped up in the house by myself, so... as boring as golf is to me, just so i could be with my husband... i tagged along. It really wasn't that bad... i guess because last year i went and they made me sit through 36 holes of golf(THAT is when i got grumpy!)... so 18 didn't seem too bad this time! ;)
Wednesday, I made Matt blueberry muffins for breakfast, and then we waited for his grandparents to get here(watching a movie while waiting..). It was a fun day... we went grocery shopping(woohoo..haha), and then we went out to eat with his grandparents. After that, i BEGGED to go play putt-putt, so..... we did :) AND... i lost. As usual. It's ok though, i still had fun!!
Thursday, Matt woke up at 5:30am to go play golf...AGAIN! This time, i figured he could just go with his Grandpa, and i would stay here with his Grandma. Somehow, we ended up at my in-laws last night and since my mother-in-law isn't feeling too great, Matt and I helped fix dinner! Of course, i made sure it was what i have been craving for a week... his dad's enchiladas(sp?). Holy cow - they are good! :)
And... today is Friday. Only 2 more days of vacation left(not counting today). I think I might break down and cry.... We haven't made it to the Zoo yet, i have a feeling we won't since the forecast for today and tomorrow is in the mid-90's and 50% chance of thunderstorms. WAY too hot to be walking on black pavement! Oh well, maybe sometime in the fall. Matt did mention he might take me to Southpoint Mall today... :):):). What we're going to buy anything with? I dont know. But it would be nice to look!! haha. We'll figure out something.
As far as how im feeling... i'm pretty much the same. Great in the mornings, sick at night. Here's to hoping that goes away in a couple of weeks!!!:( I'm not AS sleepy anymore(but don't get me wrong, I am still taking naps..) and i'm still only getting up once a night to use the bathroom. But the weird thing is, that i cannot sleep in past 7:30-8am now. I used to be able to sleep till 9-10. HA! I don't know what it is, but im wide awake at 7:20something every morning this week. Weird.
Well, i have to say this week has gone by the fastest for me out of all my other weeks... I wish i could vacation every week!! :) Or atleast be a teacher like my sister and be OFF the whole summer... what was i thinking??!?! Oh well. I hope this blog finds you well... pray for us come Monday, we're going to be the most depressed people around!
Until next week! :)