Well guys, Matt and I have some really exciting news. Most of you should have already heard by now... but if not - WE'RE PREGNANT!!!! :) :)
I've been writing posts every week of my pregnancy so far(which is only 2 posts since i'm only 6weeks 1day today!), but i've been waiting to put them on here until all of our family was told the exciting news! :)
I figured this was a neat way to keep up-to-date with Matt and I, and follow us through the pregnancy since we live so far away from most of our family and friends! I'll try and update every week, and i'm making Matt take pictures of me to go along with the posts! ;)
Here are weeks 5 and 6 on the same post... from now on it will be one week per post.

I’m 5 weeks pregnant today. Wow. Ok, let me say that again, I’M 5 WEEKS PREGNANT TODAY!!! I have always wanted to be a mom ever since I can remember – playing with baby dolls until I was in 6th grade. (ok, so thats a little embarrassing..) I just can’t believe my chance has come!!
I had been feeling ‘weird’ the past couple of weeks. Coming home from work(where I sit all day long) and being exhausted to the point of me not being able to keep my eyes open past 6pm!! And then there’s the constant going to the bathroom. One night I remember waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and thinking to myself, what in the WORLD did I drink last night that woke me up from my sleep to go use the bathroom? I NEVER do this!(I seriously could have competed in a “hold-your-pee” contest – I was just that good.) I can’t lie and say I didn’t think that I might be pregnant –because I did. I just waited for my "monthly" to come… and I waited… and I waited. I felt like it was going to come any day… but it never did.
Once I was a week late, I knew. I’ve never been more than a day or two late, and with the whole using the bathroom constantly thing, and falling asleep before it got dark… I just had a feeling.
Sunday night (5/20/07) I told Matt I wanted to get a pregnancy test. So we did, and I decided I’d wait until Monday morning to take it. Well, around 2am on Monday morning, once again, the urge to use the bathroom awakened me and I thought, well, I might as well take it now. So I did. I remember my heart beating so hard that I swore someone could have heard it if they were standing right next to me. Nothing describes that feeling of watching the blue line form a positive. (I think I sat in the bathroom for 5 more minutes just watching it to make sure I wasn’t seeing things! haha!) I got back in bed alittle bit later and I guess my movement of getting back in bed, woke Matt up. Half asleep, he asked “Are you ok?” HA! I told him I had to use the bathroom and I took the test. He said, “well?”… After I told him, its like it woke him up completely. He said “WHAT!?” “We’re going to have a baby?????” It was one of the most priceless moments ever. I think he might be just a tad bit nervous. :)
I called my doctors office Monday when I got to work. She scheduled me to come in on Tuesday, the next day. Matt went with me, and I remember being so incredibly nervous. He reassured me the whole way that everything was going to be fine. Sure enough, I am pregnant. Tuesday I was 4 weeks 5 days. She gave me a due date of January 25th, 2008. I have another appointment for blood work and family history this coming Tuesday. I can’t believe this is real. I can’t believe I’m actually pregnant. No one really knows right now except us. We’re supposed to tell Matts parents tonight; I’m a mess of emotions right now. I’m going to Lynchburg this weekend, so I guess that’s when I’ll tell my family.
We know its really early in the pregnancy and a lot could change – but Matt and I both agreed we’d rather our immediate families know, so they could be praying for us. We’ll definitely try and wait a little while before we announce it publicly! (though its very hard to do..)
I’m feeling ok today. No nausea(…yet), still going to the bathroom quite frequently, tender up top(haha), extremely exhausted.. but other than that… I’m feeling good!
God is so good. His blessings are rich. We can’t be more excited. How amazing is the work of God?
Until next week,

Ok, so here’s the 6th week post. I’m a little timid this week… as I’ve read MANY articles about the ‘morning sickness’ starting to kick in hard this week. I haven’t felt much yet, and am praying I don’t at all.
Well, we told our families this past week, and everyone is VERY excited for us! We told our parents by putting a poem in a frame, and wrapping the frame up as a present. Here’s the poem we used…
“I do not have a face to see, or put inside a frame.I do not have soft cheeks to kiss; I don’t yet have a name. You can’t yet hold my tiny hands, Nor whisper in my ear. It’s still too soon to sing a song, or cuddle me so near. But all will change come February, that’s when they say im due. I’m your new grandson or granddaughter; I can’t wait till I meet you. All I ask between now and then is your patience while I grow. I promise I’ll be worth the wait, because of all the love we’ll know. So what I have to give you now is a wish from you to me. I cannot wait to be a part of this wonderful family!”
Cute, isn’t it? Needless to say, there were some tears shed. Oh, and if you’re wondering why I put February and not January – it’s because I really feel like it will be born in February. My due date is so late in January, and I don’t think I’m as far along as they say I am – now I could be totally wrong(really, what do i know about all of this stuff?), but it’s just my intuition. And you know what they say about a woman’s intuition. Haha! ;)
Well, we went to the doctor 2 days ago for bloodwork and family history(which also means a million and one questions...). Matt went with me, and they invited him back with me this time since it was just a ‘nurse’s visit’. They took my blood (4 test tubes of it) and all the while Matts over there looking at the wall/ceiling/etc – not able to watch because of his queasy stomach. Haha! I’m anxious to see what happens when I actually have the kid. His stomach is so queasy to begin with – I wouldn’t doubt it if he ends up in the bed next to me. :)
Anyways, some of the questions they asked us were really off the wall… one of which made Matt go into the “deer in headlights” look. They asked Matt, “So, will you be the one cutting the cord?” His look was hilarious. Can you believe he had never even heard of that before??? I told him I wanted him to, he said he really didn’t know if he could stomach it –so the nurse put it down as “flexible” – meaning we could choose either way the day of. Hahaha:) Oh how I love my husband!
My next appointment is my 9 week appointment – set up for June 21st. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. We’re praying so hard for this baby already… it’s so amazing how much you can love somebody you’ve never met before.
Until next week,