Here i am at my 11th week... I dont really appear much bigger, but i sure do feel it. :(
This past week has been pretty good. A little stressful having to go back to work after a whole 9 days off, but i made it! I finally dug through all the paperwork on my desk and actually achieved seeing what color my desk was again! HA! :) It only took me until today! (p.s. - stress + pregnancy = not so pretty) Anyways, here i am... its FRIDAY and to top it all off, my SISTER came to visit me this weekend! YAY:)
I went to the NEW doctor this past Tuesday, and it went really well......that is, after i finally found my way there. HA! Yeah, i was 30 minutes late! (another p.s. - mapquest is NOT my friend anymore!) To make a long story short, it was just my "OB interview" where they ask a million and one questions, and take blood. Luckily, since i brought all my records from my old doctor, they didnt have to draw any blood... they did, however, get to stick me anyway... not for blood, but for a skin TB test. I guess i should get used to the needles. :(
This Thursday(July 12th) is my actual "doctor" visit, and then i have my first ultrasound the following Thursday(July 19th) - still too early to find out the gender, but its just to check for birth defects(Down Syndrome, etc). I'm still SOOOO excited to see "he or she" on the screen! :):):)
As far as how im feeling... im getting a little energy back, finally! I still take naps when i can, but im not dragging half as bad as i was! And the sickness is still there, just not AS bad. Which i am very thankful for. And im definitely still eating us out of house and home... haha:) But, i think i'm still okay there, too. I only eat ice cream every ONCE and a while and no pickles in it either. ;) tee-hee! My main craving is oranges, and anything with salt. Here's to hoping my blood-pressure isnt through the roof! :)
Well, i hate to cut this short, but my sister is only here for a little while and im going to go spend some time with her and my hubby...;)
Thank you, Lord, for blessing me so much!!!!!!! I am so happy! :)
Love Always,