So, here lately i've been blogging once every month...

i really need to work on that.
Nothing is really new lately... just watching my babies grow up before my very eyes.
Here's my buddy - 8 months old in this picture! (he'll be 9 months on the 30th... be still my heart.)
He's such a good little boy... happy and smiling ALL of the time! He's trying some table food here lately and loving it. He LOVES cheerios, nearly convulses with excitement when he sees the box come out of the pantry. :) He's also tasted peas, green beans, and some chicken. All of which he was a fan of... minus the chicken. I grinded it up a little and i think it was a texture thing.
Here's my princess... 3 going on 16. I have a feeling this picture will be one i get out on her 16th birthday. :) Bless her heart, she is really struggling lately to "obey". She is without a doubt THE most strong-willed child i have ever met, and teaching her to 'obey and listen' is proving to be a very difficult task. I now know what my dad meant when he spanked me and told me "this hurts me more than it hurts you" or "i do this because i love you".
