The 13th Week! Only 27 more to go! :)
This past week has undoubtly been one of the most exciting weeks for me. We had our first ultrasound Thursday(7-19) and it was absolutely AMAZING!!!! I was thinking, at 13 weeks, im sure 'he or she'(..i hate to use the word "it") resembles nothing of a baby.... but i was so wrong! He/she already had such a defined profile. You can see the lips, chin, and nose. And if you look REALLY closely you can see the little hands on top of the belly... ahhh, this makes it so much more real to me.

So the ultrasound itself went really well. When i first got there, i had to use the bathroom SO bad, but i didn't know their procedures there, and i was sure if i used it, they'd ask me to pee in a cup, so i held it. So, when we got into the VERY COLD, dark ultrasound room, and i finally figured out they weren't going to ask me to do any of that(can't you tell im new at this???? haha!).. she started the procedure right away. About 1 minute later, she's like... "you have a very full bladder, would you mind going to empty it, its hard for me to see everything i need to see?" HAHA!:) oops! Anyways, after i did that, we started again, and it was incredible what we could see...
She measured the baby, and from "crown to rump" he/she is 2.5 inches long. So, if you include the legs she said it's around 3-3.5 inches long. The heartbeat was still pretty strong, but had gone down to about 165. When she first put the dopplar thing on my stomach, we saw the baby with its hands and arms behind the head... in the "relaxing" mode. The baby definitely was comfortable where it was at, because we had to keep tapping my tummy for he/she to move! It was so cute when it would move though. We would tap it and he/she would squirm a little bit, and then settle back down into its same position. The lady said it was most likely sleeping... and of course, my husband has to say, "Yep, its definitely your child Julie... sleeping all the time!" Very funny, Matt :) Let's just hope he/she STAYS a sleeper when they come out! HA! :)
As far as how im feeling... im definitely feeling fatter. I've been a little hungrier this week, so i feel like i've gained 10lbs just this week(lets hope i havent!!!). I'm starting to not feel as great in the mornings now, too. Not to the point of throwing up, but just the queasy feeling. As far as everything else, im pretty good. Trying to enjoy this moment in my life! :)
Well, im off this weekend to "Lynch-vegas"(aka. Lynchburg) to my sisters old roommates wedding! I'm excited, i haven't seen my family in a while, i have ultrasound pictures to show off, and i haven't been to a wedding in a long time! Let's just hope my dad goes, so i don't have to drive myself up a mountain! YIKES!
I hope this blog finds everyone well... Matt and I are IN LOVE with our babies first photos(and with each other, of course!), and can't wait until the next ultrasound! So in love we already took our "first family photo"... take a look! tee-hee:)

Love to all,