Here i am at week 14!!!!! Does this outfit make me look fat?? haha. I already feel like a whale... im scared to think what i'll feel like at week 40.
I've had a fairly good week this week. A little tired here and there, but nothing a little nap didn't help... not to mention i think i went to bed the other night at 8pm(i'm trying to get all my sleep in now..), but other than that i'm feeling great. :) Still a little nauseated at night time, and im actually starting to have really weird sensations in my belly- mainly at night. I didn't think you could feel the baby move this early(but i looked it up and people have), and who's to say thats what it is, but its almost like bubbles or fluttering. It's not a constant thing by any means... it's every now and then. I mainly felt it the last couple nights, when i lay down... i hope its the baby... :)
This past weekend was lots of fun. Like i said before, i went home to good ole' Lynchburg, VA - got to see my family, spend some much needed time with the sister, and go to a beautiful OUTSIDE wedding. Here are a couple pictures... none of which are great of me(ever since i have been pregnant, i have not liked one picture of myself...weird, i know!), but its more fun to look at pictures than read this, isnt it??? haha:)
This is my sister singing a duet with Matthew Boyd. She did AWESOME, as usual. :)

Well, if you know me at all, you know i LOVE quotes... collecting them, reading them, etc. So, since im pregnant, i thought it was very appropriate to look up some pregnancy quotes. Some funny, some sentimental. Here are a few i found...
"The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."
"I cough, therefore I pee..." - haha, i loved that one! :)
"Feeling fat only lasts nine months.. but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever."
"A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart util the day you die."
Well, until next week guys..
Love Always,
P.S. September 5th - I CANNOT WAIT! :) I still say its a girl...