Here we are at week 15!! I'm almost to that point where people can actually TELL i'm pregnant - and not just think im getting fat! haha.
This week has been a pretty good week. Not a whole lot of change from last week. I'm still feeling the fluttering every now and then... mainly when i lay down at night to go to sleep. I'm still craving my usual oranges, orange juice, orange popsicle, etc. I'm also into lemonade, anything tangy. I'm not much on the sweets at all. I bought a gallon of Bryers ice cream the other night, and Matts the only one who's been eating it - by the time i eat dinner, nothing sweet appetizes me. It's weird, i used to LOVE me some dessert. I guess i shouldn't complain - its a little better for the figure... haha.
I'm finding a lot more of my clothes are not fitting as well now, too. I guess its time to go shopping for bigger clothes or .. .. the maternity store. I walked into one once and felt so awkward. It's like all these other women with BIIIIG ole' bellies are shopping around looking at me like, what are you doing in here?? Maybe now that i have a little bigger pooch, they wont look at me so funny. ;)
Matt has come down with a cold this week. I am praying that i don't get it... i can't imagine being sick on top of pregnancy being any fun. He's really congested, i think he has post-nasal drip too(where it runs down your throat..). Anyways, he's like me - we don't take any medicine or go to the doctor until we're practically on our death bed. haha! I just feel bad for him... just remember to keep him in your prayers, and me as well, that i dont catch it! (its a good thing im craving oranges with lots of vitamin C - maybe that will help me not get it!)
My sister just left for Nicaragua this morning for a missions trip. Definitely keep her in your prayers too... i've never been on an airplane, but i always get just as nervous when she does. (even though she loves flying... p.s. shes CRAZY!) Anyways, she's supposed to call me as soon as she lands. I just hope she has a great trip and can do what she's been wanting to do there! Spread God's word!!!!
Well, i think this is all this week. I hope everyone is having a great weekend - sorry that im just now getting around to writing this thing. I'm trying to do better, i promise.
Love always,
P.S. September 5th is a week closer nowwwwww!!! :)