Hey guys! Did you think i forgot to post this week?? :) Well, i didn't... i've just been lazy... and not at home very much. (Hey, atleast im honest.) But, have no fear, i am posting... here at the big 18 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!
This past week has been pretty good. I'm definitely feeling bigger, eating a lot, and i've actually been sleeping a lot more this week. I find myself exhausted after work again... not half as bad as i was in my first trimester(actually no where CLOSE!), but still to the point where i take naps after work, and some nights fall asleep at 9pm. :) I'm trying to enjoy all this sleep time now... i know its going to be a distant memory for me come January/February! ;)
So, 11 days is the official countdown. 11 more days until we KNOW what we are having... that is, if the baby is in the correct position for them to see. I've heard of some women not being able to find out because the baby was turned a certain way and they couldn't see. I think i might die if that happens to me... the anxiety and excitement is seriously going to be the death of me. I'm still sticking to my girl predicition. What do you guys think? Matt still says boy.... and so do a lot of other people who see me. Only God knows right now!!!! :)
Well, today(Saturday) we went to visit Matt's grandparents in Danville, VA. We had lots of fun and were all THREE fed a wonderful steak, potato, salad, and corn on the cob dinner..... and a doughnut for desert. I think the baby liked this meal more than the rest of us... as soon as i finished my doughnut, the baby was kicking like crazyyy! :) Probably saying, "WOW, i want some more of that stuff..." HAHA! It was cool though. Very yummy too! :) Of course, i told my mom this story and she said it HAS to be a girl if it was dancing over sweets!! tee-hee ;)
I guess im going to get off of here, its 10pm (and WAY past my bed time... ) and im going to spend some much appreciated time with the hubby! Until next week...
Love Always,