Here we are at week 16! Is it just me, or can you really tell a difference between last week and this week??? Maybe its just the picture angle...
This week has been a great week. Not too tired, not too nauseated, and if it wasn't for the flutters in my stomach and a bigger belly, i would barely know i was pregnant! Over the last couple of days the flutters have been a little more consistant and a little stronger. I was actually sitting at my desk the other day at work, and it seriously felt like the baby was doing cartwheels in my stomach, so i put my hand on my stomach and pushed in a little, and i FELT A KICK! It was very little, but i felt it! I was so excited i had to call Matt at work to tell him! haha. So last night i was trying to get it to where Matt could feel, but i guess the baby had already had its 'excercise' for the day... because it wasn't moving a lot. Oh well, maybe today :)
I went to the doctors office yesterday for my regular visit. I thought it was going to be a fairly short, not doing much but listening to the babys heartbeat, asking me some questions, your-out-the-door kind of thing, but i was wrong. The nurse called me back, made me do my usual(pee in a cup), took my blood pressure, and my weight(we'll talk about this one later.. YIKES!), and then said, "you haven't had your 2nd trimester bloodwork done have you??" I was like, ohhhh no. This is not going to be fun. So, needless to say i got to go to the 'lab' where they sit you in this BIG blue chair, practically strap you in(i guess for people who faint?), and stuck me. It wasn't too bad... i think taking the extrememly sticky bandaid off of my arm hurt worse than the actual needle. Next time i dont want a bandaid. So after all this trauma, they make me wait for the doctor... so im in the room, reading a magazine, and the doctor comes in - and quickly pulls out the thing for my feet, tells me to lay back, and says that he was in a hurry because he had to perform emergency surgery on a patient ASAP, so... all he did was listen to the heartbeat, ask me if i had any questions(which i did, but didnt want the poor person who needed surgery to suffer, so i withheld them) and then he gave me my folder and left. It seriously only lasted about 1 minute and he was out the door! It was crazy! He said next time he'll take extra time for me and apologized a million times over, so i wasn't upset.
Well, i've offically gained 5 pounds since my last 'regular checkup'. 10 pounds since i first got pregnant!!! I got on the scale, and she kept pushing that little thing over and over, and im like "holy crap"!!! Oh well, i'm actually enjoying this eating-everything-i-want-and-not-worrying thing. :)
I know i asked for prayer last week because Matt was sick, and i didn't want to get it. Well, i got it. It hasn't been as bad as Matt had it, but i've just been really congested, with a sore throat, and now i have developed a cough. My poor baby probably gets traumatized by all my coughing. I think im on the mends.. and i think Matt is too, but we still haven't completely kicked it yet. :(
MY SISTER COMES HOME FROM NICARAGUA TODAY!!! :) She's actually flying into Greensboro, and my dad is going to be in Greensboro practicing for his truck driving competition, so i think we're all going to meet up there around 5ish to see her come in!!! YAY! I can't wait to see her! :)
Well, i guess im going to end this book now. :) Until next week, guys! :)
Love Always,