I can't believe i'm already at week 17!!! Wow, it seems like yesterday i was just at week 6. They say the time flies... only 162 more days to go until my baby is due! Holy moly!!!
I hope none of you passed out when you checked this and actually saw i wrote this on Thursday(the day im supposed to be writing it every week..) and not my usual Saturday-morning-while-Matts-still-asleep-and-i-can't-sleep-anymore time. I actually took another 'personal day' today... Matt was off and we're TRYING to get our house de-cluttered and ready to sell. I ordered a new comforter for our bed the other week(because we were still using the one Matt had on his bed before we got married..which was a big Tommy Hilfiger sign - not exactly selling your house worthy..i didn't want people to think a 16 year old boy was living in our master bedroom..) So anyway, it FINALLY came in and we put it all on our bed today, and i LOVE IT!!!! It looks soooooo much better, so good, i took a picture of it to put on here.... even though i doubt none of you probably care too much about seeing our comforter on our bed. I think i just get too excited over very small things. :) Ok, so im a nerd.. here it is! :)

As far as the pregnancy goes, things seem to still be going great. I got a phone call the other day at work from the doctors office, letting me know my blood test results from the last visit... and im like, "you were testing my blood for something in particular??? I must have missed that part when you were telling me about it!" (I guess they wouldn't take blood just to take blood, would they? DUH Julie.. wow, im getting that 'pregnancy brain' thing!) Anyways, come to find out, they tested my baby for Spina Bifida(sp??) and they told me everything came back negative and everything looks great!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! His blessings are so rich. Just the other night at church someone raised their hand for a prayer request for a family who just had a miscarriage at 5 MONTHS!!! A little scary... i just have to keep trusting the Lord. My baby seems healthy so far... and i can't be more thankful. I can't imagine losing a child.
I'm not feeling the baby move all too much lately. I don't know if im stressing about it so much that i make myself not feel it or what, but i have to keep telling myself that everything is ok, its probably just a baby who loves to sleep considering i AM his/her mother! haha. I mainly feel the baby after i eat or when i lay down at night. I guess im moving around too much in the day to really feel it. I hope this is normal not to feel them all the time.
Well, last week i told you my sister was coming home from Nicaragua, and we were going to meet her at the airport! Well, we did and it was soo good to see her!! She had a great time and she has some awesome pictures and stories. God definitely answered my prayers! :)
Ok, im going to get off of here and spend some quality time with my hubby! I love him so much... and i am so glad to have him as my husband. I truly don't know where i'd be without him. He is AWESOME!!!!!! (Even though he asked me the other night if he needed to open BOTH doors for me to get through at church... very funny, Matt.) :)
Love always,
the fat pregnant lady :)