Halfway there already!!! Here i am at
20 weeks! I can't believe i'm halfway through my pregnancy already... it's amazing how time flies, but yet, how long it can seem sometimes when you are so anxious to meet your little one!
Well, im sure almost all of you know that we went to the doctor this past week for our ultrasound and for another regular monthly checkup. We are officially having a GIRL!!! :) I am so excited, words don't seem to come close to how i feel. The ultrasound technician started off at her head, measuring it and looking at the brain, then moved down to the abdomen, and so on... then she asked if we wanted to know the gender, of course, we all(Me, Matt, and Matt's mom) said YES! The technician said "Well, you're having what everyone else is having today... a little girl!" Oh my gosh. I think my heart skipped a beat. I knew it. I knew it from day one. I have always wanted a little girl, and i can't be more excited. Matt was thinking it was a boy, but now that he know's its a girl, he's been smiling ear to ear. It is so cute. He is going to be such a great daddy to her. He asked me the day we found out, "Do you think she'll like me?" ;) Of course, i said i knew she would, especially if she was anything like me. I was the biggest daddy's girl in the world. I can't wait to see their relationship form... we've both been singing the song "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder to her since we've found out. I guess that will be our song for her. :)
As far as the doctor part went, our baby girl is healthy and is measuring right on target for her due date(no changes there!). She is around 10oz right now and her heartbeat was at 140. A lot lower than last time, but they said she wasn't too active to where her heartbeat should be higher... she was very content(as she was last time) and she cooperated well to be measured :) Thats my girl! ;) As far as im concerned... I have officially gained 6.5lbs this month(YIKES!!!) but the nurse said that i was perfectly fine and that sometimes pregnant women gain a significant amount of weight in one particular month, and then it plateaus out. Lets hope so. If i keep going at this rate, i'll be the size of a whale. :(
Now that we've found out what she is, she has been kicking like CRAZY! (Its probably just because she's getting stronger... but yeah.) While we were on our way to the doctors appointment, i told Matt and his mom that she was kicking down... like her feet were at my bladder/kidneys, and her head was up. And come to find out, that's the first thing the ultrasound technician said when she put the thing on my stomach, "The baby is breeched!". They said not to worry right now, because she has plenty of time to turn around before she is born. But she is definitely getting stronger, and i am definitely jumping like crazy when she kicks my bladder. But it's okay, im glad shes healthy and growing well.
Okay, on to the fun part.... the PICTURES :)

Here's our little baby girl!!! Isn't she just the cutest thing ever? I still can't believe she is growing inside of me. What a miracle!!!

Here's the 'evidence' that she is officially a GIRL! They say girls have "cheeseburgers" and boys have "turtles". If you look REALLY closely on the left picture, you'll see the arrow pointing to 3 little white lines stacked on top of each other like a burger... thats her girl parts. :) As far as the right picture goes, i have no idea what it's pointing to.. i just know she said it's definitely a girl!! :)

These are her "sweet feet"! On the left is her right foot... and on the right is her left foot(with part of her right foot in the picture too). These are the precious little feet that have been kicking mommy! :) And boy is she getting good at it.
This has to be one of my favorite pictures of her so far. I love it. Maybe because it's very evident that she has her daddy's toes. Her toe next to the big one is longer than her big one... definitely a Matt thing. How cute :)
This is her little profile. And we're thinking she might have my nose? I guess we'll have to wait and see for sure on this one. ;)
And last but not least, my little alien child! :) No, she's not an alien, its just the face shot. Eyeballs do not show up in ultrasounds.
Okay, i think this enough. I can't wait until i go shopping this weekend and get my little girl her scrapbook, so i can start working on it. :) We also might go ahead and register this weekend... if not this weekend, sometime soon! Having a baby is such a blessing. Matt and i were talking earlier, saying how much we've already changed since i've been pregnant, and just thinking how much more we will change one she's here! Goodness, it feels good to be able to say SHE!!!! :)
Love to all,
Mommy to a little GIRL!!!!!