Here we are at week 21!!! Less than halfway to go now... that is CRAZY!!
This week has been a great week! I have been feeling her move more and more everyday and i absolutely LOVE it!!! It is sooo reassuring to me. Before i would just worry if shes okay because i could never feel her, but now i know shes fine because she moves. :) She mainly moves after i eat(especially something sweet!), or if im really hungry and haven't ate yet. The other day at work she was moving so much and kicking so hard, i could actually sit there and watch my belly move. I told my mom this and she said, "Oh, just wait until shes a lot bigger and you can tell the head from the arm or foot!" Wow. That's amazing. I can't wait! I think im actually feeling her hiccup as well. I didn't know how a hiccup would feel compared to a regular kick, so i read a little about it, and i'm definitely thinking im feeling those too. Its like a repetitive little jump inside... and its really cool to feel. A lady at church asked me the other week if i was feeling the baby move yet, i said yes, and she said thats what she misses most about being pregnant - so im going to cherish every moment. :) I love being pregnant.
As many of you know(atleast those who have Myspace), I've been asking questions about registering. Thank you ALL SOOO much for replying back/calling me! I know it took some time, and i'm very appreciative. I'm definitely printing off everyones answers and taking them with me! :) We haven't gone to register yet, i don't think we will be able to until HOPEFULLY next weekend. We shall see. With Matts new work schedule, everything is changing. I just can't wait to go.... its going to be like Christmas to me!:)
As far as our house goes... its still for sale. We had a lady call last weekend... but never called back. It could have been a legit person, but from what i've been told, realtors will call you and pretend to be interested to see how much you're asking and all the details on your house. Sooo... yeah. No other takers yet. But we usually have a lot of traffic on Saturdays and Sundays, so maybe someone will call this weekend. PLEASE keep praying - whatever God's will is for us, i will be happy. If it means we dont sell our house and continue to live here and Matt just has to commute, so be it. We just then need to invest in a more reliable car for him. His truck will not make it, i am sure. I just kind of wish i knew what God has in His plan... so i can start planning. HA!:)
Well, im going to get off of here and start on this house, my mountains of laundry, and possibly some scrapbooking!!! :) I hope everyone has a great weekend...
Love always,
Mommy to a precious girl :)