Here we are at week 19! :) Only 21 weeks left until we get to meet our beautiful baby. I absolutely cannot wait!!!
This week has been a great week. I'm still a little more tired than usual... but i think that had something to do with having inventory at my work this past week and working some insane hours...(i.e. having to get up at 4:30am to be there at 5:45... yeah, that one hurt. Especially since i didn't go to bed the night before until 11:30.) So, me going to bed the past couple nights around 8-8:30-9, isnt SO bad, is it???? My poor husband can't wait for the baby to be here so he can have some company at night time, since i go to bed 'before his grandparents ever do'. :( I dont know what it is... as soon as i sit down and watch TV after working all day, im out like a light. And nothing i can do will keep me awake. I'm really starting to wonder if im getting Anemia... they say that can happen when you're pregnant because the baby takes all of your iron. Who knows, that will definitely be a doctor question. :)
Speaking of doctors... only 4 more days until i get to go! And you all know what that means, right? We get to find out if its a BOY or GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! :) It seems like these past couple days have crept by... and seem to only be getting slower and slower. I am SO excited to find out, i can hardly stand it. The appt. isn't until 2:45pm on Wednesday... and i think Matt's mom might be coming with us! I wish my family lived closer so they could come too! :( Oh well.. i'll just be on my cell phone a lot this coming Wednesday, calling everyone i know!! haha. And if you don't get a call, just check my myspace or this thing, im sure it will be announced as soon as i get myself to a computer! Hopefully we'll have some updated pictures, as well!
I've been feeling the baby move a lot this past week, and it is one of the best feelings EVER!! Don't get me wrong, it takes a little getting used to, but it is so much fun to be able to feel him/her. I'm still trying to put Matts hand on my stomach to let him feel... but he still can't feel yet. But thats okay.. he'll be able to soon enough. :)
Well, i know this one is a little short, but im going to get off of here and get some things done around the house. Matt's still asleep(because i now fall asleep at 8pm, i wake up at some unruly hours... like 6:30am!!! It's so weird.) and im going to straighten a little. We just got our apprasial back yesterday, so i guess the sign is going in the yard today! PLEASE pray with us that this is a fast sell, and we can move and be situated in a new house before this baby gets here. The thought of being inbetween houses when i have this baby is enough to make me have a panic attack(if you know me at all, i am a HIGHLY organized person who hates to not be prepared.) So yeah, please pray when you think about us. We are trusting God to help us sell this house quickly... and we KNOW He can do it!!!! :)
Love always,