Week 22 is here! It's getting closer and closer every day... i'm starting to get a little nervous.
This week has been pretty good. Not as good as some weeks before, but that's okay. I felt a little nauseated the past couple of days/nights, but nothing to make me throw up. I think i just ate some grease that didn't settle too well with my stomach one day and didn't feel good a day or two after that. I'm feeling better now, though! :)
She hasn't been AS active this week... i feel her everyday, some days it feels as though she's doing gymnastics in there, and then other days... i feel her move a couple times and that is it! The doctor told me as long as i feel movement, not to worry. YEAH RIGHT! Me? Not worry? I dont think so. So, needless to say, im having a MUCH better day when she is active. ;) I guess she's like her mother, she plays for a day, and then has to sleep for a day to make up for all that activity! haha! :)
One cool thing that happened this week was that Matt got to WATCH my stomach move! He has been able to put his hand on my belly and feel her, but this past Tuesday, we were just sitting on the couch watching TV and she was kicking SO hard that i looked down and actually SAW my stomach jump! I poked Matt and said, "just watch my stomach for a second.." He did. His eyes got huge and he was like, "Was that the baby kicking?!?!?!?!?!" haha! It's amazing that she only weighs about a pound and she's already kicking so hard we can watch my belly move! I am enjoying EVERY second of this. :)
Well, last night, we decided to go ahead and break the bank and order our crib!!! :) I just PRAY that it comes in undamaged and its exactly what we want. We did have to order it off the internet and pay a HUGE amount of shipping cost, but i LOVE this crib.. and it cost less(with the shipping included) than if we were to go to Babies R Us and just purchase one off the floor(atleast the one i wanted anyway!). ;) It is a convertible crib that goes from crib, to toddler bed, to full size bed. HURRAY! :) It was a little scary to push that button to buy it - it was a lot of money... but i love it, Matt says he loves it - i think the price was the only part he didnt love - but he said if it was what i wanted, it was worth every penny! Isn't he AMAZING?? I am truly blessed with my husband. :) So today, we're going to go register. :) I told Matt we didn't have to go and register for EVERYTHING in one day(he seems to be a little overwhelmed with stuff right now..), so we're just going to go, look around, scan what we KNOW we want, and then i can go back whenever and add to it if i need to. I'm soooo excited. I want Matt to help pick out things for our little girl. I think it's important that he takes part in this. :)
As for the house... still for sale. :( But that's okay, Gods ways are not our ways... and His plans our for our own good. Matt said we might just have to stay in this house and commute everyday(which is 40 minutes one way!!!) and just buy him a more reliable vehicle - which would be fine with me, but he just wouldn't be able to see me and the baby as often as he would if we had a house in Pittsboro! He'd be able to come home on his lunches, and it would only take him 5 minutes to get home after work. I dont know, i just know have FULL faith in God - whatever His will may be, will be the BEST thing for us!
I did get to put in my TWO WEEKS this week at my job!! HURRAY!!! :) I am soooo excited! I will now be working as the office person between both the Siler City store and the Pittsboro store. I think my office will be in the Pittsboro store until it gets closer to me having the baby, then we're going to move it either in my house or my inlaws, that way i can keep the baby at home with me and still be able to work some. This truly is an answer to prayer!!! I am very thankful!!! :)
Well, i think that's enough for this week, i practically wrote a book. (Truth be known, my internet cut off right at the end of me writing this and i about had a heart attack because i thought what i had written was gone, but thank the LORD this thing has saved drafts!!!!) Anyways, i hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and an even better week! Love you all.
Love always,
Mommy to my little girl :)