Week 23 is here! Sorry i'm so late posting!!!
This past week has been crazy busy. I have been training people all week at work, we had things going on at night for our church, and then Friday night i had to pack to go to Lynchburg - and i was there all weekend! Needless to say, this blog had to go to the backburner. :(
This week i have been feeling great! I've been feeling her move more and more, and i am in love with her already. I absolutely love to feel her kick - sometimes so much, that when she isn't kicking, i rub my tummy and drink cold things just to feel her again! :) Poor thing probably doesn't get any sleep! haha. I can't help it - it's an amazing feeling. :)
Like i said earlier, i went to Lynchburg this weekend and helped my mom move into her new apartment(have no fear, there was NO lifting for me involved.. i just supervised!) and visited some with my dad and sister(and even some aunts/uncles/ and cousins!). Every time i visit - i miss them more and more. I have truly been blessed with an amazing family!
While in Lynchburg, i also got to see my cousin Jenni who is also pregnant(but with her 2nd!). She is due on Valentines day - so shes just a couple weeks behind me! :) Here are some cute pictures...

This is about it for this post - i'll be posting here again soon! I do have a doctors appointment this Thursday, so on the next post i will let you know all about it! I'm going to go spend some time with the LOVE of my LIFE! (thats my husband.. ) :) Until next week... or should i say later this week? haha. Love to all!!
Love always,