Week 24 is here! These weeks seem to be going a little faster these days... It's hard to think that i only have 16 more weeks until i can hold my baby girl in my arms! I can't wait!! :)
This week has been a great week! I have been feeling her move everyday and i LOVE IT! I find myself with my hand on my belly a lot... without even realizing i'm doing it. Pregnancy is just absolutely amazing to me. I'm trying to enjoy every second of it! As far as how i'm feeling... i definitely feel bigger. I find it harder and harder to bend over and get things off the floor(i know i have a ways to go with this one), i find myself not being as comfortable in bed anymore too(yet another one that only gets better with time..), and i often have back aches. BUT, praise the LORD i'm not sick or having any complications. I think i can live with the minor back pains and a little less sleep. :)
I did go to the doctor this past Thursday(10/4) and everything seemed to go well. I met with a new doctor this time (they put me on rotation to meet every doctor in case i go into labor and my doctor is not on call). Her name was Dr. Adkins and she was SO nice! She looked to be about 27 years old and she was very sweet. She asked me how i was doing, talked to me about getting our hair done and everything! haha. She measured my belly(but didn't tell me i was measuring small or big, so i guess i was on target?) and then put the 'jelly on my belly' to listen for the heartbeat. It took her a little bit to find the heartbeat(yes, i was literally almost in tears for fear of something wrong..) but then she found it and it was strong and loud - pumping at a good 149 beats per minute! She said that the baby must have her back towards us... meaning she was facing my spine. Little booger scared me to death! ;) Anyways, everything seemed great.. I have gained a nice 24lbs already - YIKES! :) But she said i was fine. The only bad thing was that i had to schedule my 'glucose test' this time... so Oct. 31st i have to drink this orange stuff(how festive.. haha) and see how my sugar levels are. I'm hoping for no gestational diabetes. Pray with me on this one! :)
Another fun thing that happened this week was that we got our CRIB in! Mr. truck-driver guy delivered it to my house, and i made Matt put it together last night! :) Poor thing had worked all day, mowed grass, and then put a whole crib together. Have i mentioned i have the best husband in the WORLD!!?? Yeah, he's pretty amazing. :) Take a look at some pictures!!

I guess this is about all for now. Today i'm hoping to go to Target in Apex and finish scanning stuff for my registry! :) Hope everyone is doing well...
mommy-to-be :)
P.S. How could i have forgotten??? Yesterday (Fri) was my LAST day at Jennifer Convertibles! It was a bittersweet day... i actually cried like a baby when i left. As many people as i didn't care too much for there, there were a lot of people who were like family to me. I will surely miss those people! Oh yeah, they also threw me a mini baby shower before i left... it was SO nice of them! I wish i had pictures, but it was a surprise, so i didnt have my camera! :( I did walk away with some NICE stuff though!!! :)