Here we are at week 27!! :) Only 13 weeks left! Thats like.... 91 days. Oh my! :)
Sorry that i've just gotten around to writing this...
This week has been a pretty good week. I'm feeling a little miserable, considering i wake up every so often to this HUGE pain shooting through my back. I'm fine if i'm standing or sitting up... but once i lay down, it kills! Weird? Yes, I know! I've been trying to be good and lay on my left side(because its supposedly the best side for you to lay on for the baby?) - but the pain is so unbearable, i end up turning to my right, on which i can STILL feel the pain, but not half as bad. Even with pillows surrounding me and underneath me! Is this normal??? I have a feeling i'll be dealing with this until i have her. BUT, it will all be worth it. :)
She's been moving around a lot these past couple of weeks. Sometimes i feel as though she's getting too big for the space already because i feel like i'm being stretched like Stretch-Armstrong!!! I love to watch my belly move though... its absolutely amazing to me. I just have to catch myself while i'm driving... haha! :) Not a good idea.
This coming Wednesday(31st - Halloweenie!!) ;) i get to drink that WONDERFUL drink full of SUGAR! Yippeee. Ok, yeah, i'm kidding. I am a little nervous of this. Why? Because A. I've heard horror stories. B. I have to drink it at home and then drive 45 minutes BY MYSELF - so if i have any adverse reactions, it will be on the road. All by myself. and C. I've never been able to drink a whole lot of something at one time. And i'm expected to drink this WHOLE drink within 5 minutes. HA! That's enough to make me throw up even if i wasn't pregnant. :( Please pray for me... this is one doctors appointment i am NOT looking forward to. :( Especially since i have a hunch that i have this so-called gestational diabetes.
As far as other aspects of life - things are good. The new store is doing well, the old store is doing well, and well, we're all trying to hang in there while working all the hours. Matt did happen to get a day off this past week(how? we dont know.) but i am VERY thankful for it, because while i still had to go into work, he helped me out around the house SO much! I have been telling him for weeks that i wanted to get the baby's room somewhat situated. We had the computer in there that HAD to go, and other random things that didnt belong. So i came home from working all day on Thursday, to a house that had been cleaned and rooms that had been rearranged. He SURPRISED me!! :) I had no clue. He took the computer out of the baby's room and put it in the guest bedroom - and just made everything look so much better. Have i ever mentioned that i have the BEST husband in the WORLD!??!! He really is. I am truly blessed. :)
Well, now that i have written a book... i guess i need to get off of here and start getting ready for church! :) Hope all is well with everyone else...
Love always,