30 weeks... WOW! Only 10 more to go... this is getting so surreal.
This week has been a fairly good one. I have been feeling pretty good... a little miserable here and there, especially at night when i lay down for bed. This back pain is definitely going to be worst part of this pregnancy, i think. Hopefully i can get a belly support today when we're out so when im standing for so long, it wont strain my back so much!
I went to the doctor this past Wednesday(Nov. 14th) and everything looks great! I'm measuring right at 30cm(for 30 weeks!) and they said i'm doing great! He did talk to me about preterm labor and the signs of it... and i also told him how i sometimes have these wonderful "floaters" in my eyes - especially if im standing for a while. I thought it could be my blood sugar or something, but he says its probably my blood pressure! I have LOW blood pressure(which they say is better than high during pregnancy)... i think my BP was 92 over 70 something this time. He told me just to be careful making sudden moves from lying down to standing up, because i'll most likely hit the floor! YIKES! :(
Anyways, i've definitely gained my fair share of weight - i think im up to 32lbs that i've gained so far! And to think i still have 10 more weeks(and TWO holidays to get through without eating everything in sight! HA!)... wow. I'm going to be one big mama! haha. It's okay though, as long as my little girl is healthy! ;)
Today Matt and I are going shopping for Kaitlyn's mattress for her crib and a couple other things! I'm excited, not only about shopping for Kaitlyn, but spending some quality time with the hubby!!!:) We've been working so much lately that its hard to even stay awake at night to talk! I really want to take these last couple months before the baby gets here and cherish them - i know life as we know it will change SO much! (Not that its a bad thing...) :)
Well, im off to finish some things around here and to get ready for Greensboro!!! I hope everyone is having a great week/weekend!!! Keep us in your prayers! :)
Love you all,