Week 29 is here.... well, it was here a couple days ago! HA! Sorry again for the delay... life is just SO busy lately!!
This week has been a good one! I did get my test results back and i am seriously PRAISING THE LORD that i do NOT have gestational diabetes!! Thank you Jesus!!!! I am seriously feeling blessed... so far, my pregnancy has been problem-free. I know i still have a little ways to go, but its just amazing to me how much God has truly blessed this pregnancy. I feel like i let God down all the time, and i know i don't deserve half of what God gives me... and to give me a pregnancy, and a problem-free one(so far) at that... is just a picture of God's grace in my life. I am so thankful.
As far as how i'm feeling... hmmm.... i'm definitely starting to feel the weight i am carrying. I get sore easily... and my stomach is SO tight after a day of work(up on my feet and bending quite often). I am still feeling her move a LOT, and as usual, im loving every minute of it. She has actually gotten to the point where i can push in on my stomach, and she'll push back! :) It's like we're playing a game or something... i try not to do it ALL the time... poor thing would never get any rest. ;) My back is still hurting at night... i usually wake up about 2-3 times in the middle of the night and have to resituate myself and rub my own back(im sure its a sight! haha!) to go back to sleep... BUT, im trying to be positive about this and not get irritated. I know i will enjoy this little girl God is creating inside of me and it will be worth every ache and pain!! :)
I am definitely starting to crave milk these days. I was reading the little weekly updates i get through my email and it was saying how the baby is taking a lot of calcium from me right now because its making her bones stronger, and im wondering if that is what is making me drink almost a WHOLE gallon of milk in 3 days! (YIKES!) Atleast its semi-good for me. Minus the all the fat that is in 2%. ;)
My sister(soon to be known as Aunt Amy!! tee-hee) just came down this weekend to visit! I have missed her so much and she is ALREADY spoiling our baby girl! We went shopping and she bought more for my child than i did! :) She bought her two little night time outfits.. one of which is SOOOOO soft i wish i could sleep in it. I'm sure Kaitlyn will LOVE her for it!! ;)
Well, im going to the doctor this Wednesday... heres starting my every two week appointments. Lets just hope this appointment has a little less poking involved. I will let you know next time how the appointment turns out.
Until next time,
Mommy to be:)
P.S. - We just got the bedding in, i'll have to post pictures of it soon! Its BEAUTIFUL!!!! :) :) :)