31 weeks is here(...and almost gone - sorry for the delay all you faithful readers!)
This week has been B-U-S-Y! I have been working in a different area at work(learning something new - not easy for this pregnancy brain of mine!), then there was Thanksgiving, and then my first BABY SHOWER this past weekend. It was a lot of fun, but i am exhausted!!!
I'm feeling pretty good these days, just a little miserable from being so tight around the belly. I feel like i can't breathe a lot, and the heartburn is still burning holes in my esophagus(or so it feels like...). I go to the doctor tomorrow(11-28) - hopefully i get a good report and i havent gained TOO much weight over this wonderful eating-infested holiday! ;)
I did have my first baby shower this past weekend in Lynchburg, and i am SO BLESSED to have such a loving family! My Aunt's gave me this shower, and i know a lot of time and hard-work went into making it a success and the words "thank you" just doesn't seem like enough! We played games, ate some cake, and opened presents! I am pretty much set when it comes to clothes for the first couple months! :) My cousin Jenni hand made me somes neat things... pillowcases for the toddler pillow, burp clothes, etc. She also got Kaitlyn this amazing basket(with her name on it and everything) and filled it with everything i'll ever need(so it seems like..) - she is another God send in my life. I love her and all of her advice and support!! :) And of course my sister has been spoiling this child since day one, buying her things just for the heck of it - but she did get us a VERA BRADLEY diaper bag... and its PINK! :) I love it. I also received a lot of other gifts, money, etc. Like i said, i have been blessed beyond words...
Well, i hate that this post is so short, but i have a lot of "Thank you" notes to be writing, and a bed that is calling my name... oh, and a husband to spend some time with. ;) I hope everyone had a GREAT thanksgiving and that you had a lot to be thankful for - i know i sure do!!!!! Thank you Jesus, for Your love towards me, my husband, this beautiful baby being created by YOU in my womb, my amazing family, my house, the food in my pantry, and the country i am blessed to live in. This list could go on... but i dont think theres enough room on this blog for all of His blessings on me. :)
Until next week... (or, in this case, a couple days..haha!)