Week 28 is here!! HURRAY! :)
This week has been a pretty good week. I've been feeling great(minus the backaches here and there) and i am still loving feeling her move all around. :)
I went to the doctor this past Wednesday, for that glucose test thing... yeah. NOT a fun experience. Let me share this story with you... Last time i was at the doctors, they gave me this sheet of instructions for this test and the bottle of oh-so yummy drink(MAJOR sarcasm there..). The sheet says drink the stuff at 9am, be at the doctors by 9:45, and then have my blood drawn at 10. Well, for those of you who dont know, my doctors office is exactly 45 minutes away from where i live. So, i had to start drinking the drink as soon as i left my house, driving down the road. First sip, i was like "hmm.. this isn't SO bad..." then it just got progressively worse. The orange drink tasted like FLAT sunkist that had 10 times the amount of sugar it was supposed to have in it. It was so thick, i had to literally concentrate on swallowing to get it to go down. It left that horrible flim(sp?) in your mouth(you know, the thick kind you get after you've been crying for hours straight?). Yeah. So, i am practically gagging on this stuff trying to drive "safely" down the road. I finally get it all down(in 6 minutes.. i was supposed to do it in 5 - im just thankful it all went down.) and i call Matt almost in tears over how horrible it was. I guess i just needed comforting. haha! Anyways, i get to the doctors and they check me in. They call my name at 10, and take me back to have my blood drawn. No biggie. I asked if they would know results right away, and of course, they said they wouldnt and i would have to wait to hear from them. Then, i did the whole usual nurse thing... pee in a cup, weigh in(YIKES), and blood pressure. Well, there was sugar in my urine(which they said was okay, since all i had that morning was sugar), my blood pressure was great, and i've gained a whoppin' 28lbs so far! HOLY COW!(no pun intended.) I still have 3 more months to go... i'm going to be huge with a capital H!!
So anyway, the nurse tells me that they need to check my iron levels this visit, which she then proceeds to pull out the little needle thing they prick your finger with. All the while im thinking, "you just took a vile of blood in the other room lady, can't you check my sugar AND my iron from that???" But hey, what do i know? So now, i have a hole and a bandaid on one arm, and a hole and a bandaid on my finger(p.s. i would rather have blood drawn any day over having my finger pricked... the finger hurts so much more, and is sore for days after.) She tells me my iron is great, and then leads me to the doctors room. He comes in and does his usual thing. Measured my belly, and i'm measuring right on target. (Still on for Jan. 25th!!) We listened to the heartbeat, which sounds great, so he says. :) And then he asks me if i have had my flu shot.... dun dun dun.... SO, i went to the doctor this one time, and got stuck 3 seperate times!!!!! FYI: Don't get pregnant if you don't like needles! I felt like one of those dolls you stick all the needles in. :( No, really, it wasn't too bad... the thought of what i'm getting out of it all makes it allllllllll worth it! :)
...I still haven't heard back from the doctor about the test. I guess i'll call Monday.
Enough of all the doctor drama... i am so thankful that, so far, this pregnancy has been fairly easy for me. I know i have some of the harder months ahead of me, but i'm ready! :) Matt and i were talking last night about how awesome it's going to be once she is here and we can see what she looks like, and hold her and kiss her soft little cheeks. I can't wait!! :) It's amazing how much you can love someone you've never even met yet. Thank you Lord, for blessing us so much. I am so grateful.
Until next week, everyone. :)
Love always,
Mommy to be:)
P.S. My SISTER comes to visit me next weekend... WOOOO HOOO :) can't wait!