Week 33... a little late, AGAIN! Sorry!!
This week has been a pretty good week... I had to go to the doctor again this week(12/5), and once again i won't go into details, but they had to check me AGAIN to make sure everything was okay, and thankfully it was. :) (I think i'm just starting to worry at every little twinge, pain, and weird feelings i have these days.) The doctor said my cervix was still long and closed, and that everything seemed normal. He did happen to mention that within 3 weeks she "could come anytime" and everything be just fine. He actually said if she had to be born that same day, that she would no doubt be okay, she would just have a longer time in the nursery. Lets just hope we can hold out a little longer. I don't have everything ready yet..... but the more i think about it, will i EVER be completely ready for this adventure???
I'm still really tight and achy in my belly and pelvis. I'm having more and more heartburn(maybe she has some hair!!), and my back is absolutely killing me, but as usual, i'm loving feeling her move around in my belly! She's starting to get a routine down.. shes active for a while, and then sleeping for a while. Too bad shes active at NIGHT and sleeping in the day!!!!!!!!!! :( Lets hope this changes before she gets here. Or i will have some major dark circles under my eyes!! haha:)
I can't believe all we have is 7 little weeks left. That's less than 2 months. And she could even come before that, too. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I'm starting to panic a little... getting that overwhelmed feeling, wondering what in the world am i going to do... I've never been a mother before. I've never had to care for someone else like this before, am i ready for this???
I'm starting to cry a lot more now... getting more and more emotional over everything(hurray for hormones!). Matt and I were joking the other night, laughing - having a great time, and out of no where i start bawling. Why? I don't have a clue. HA! :)
Once again, i have to go to the doctor this week... I will let you know how that goes next post. Hopefully i can get that one done before the next week! :)
My mom and sister are supposed to be coming in town this weekend to visit me... I'm going to finish(or should i say start?) my Christmas shopping, and get some more things for Kaitlyns room! :) I can't wait to spend some girl time with them... I love them!! :)
Well, i hate to make this so short, but my bed is calling my name. I hope everyone had a great weekend and a good start to this week!
Love always,
Mommy to Kaitlyn :)