Hello all faithful blog readers... i am officially 36 weeks now!! I am coming down the home stretch... PRAISE THE LORD!! :) (...as you can see, clothes do NOT fit anymore and i apologize deeply for the stomach poking out the bottom... i know it is not attractive, but i am not about to buy any more maternity clothes this far along.)
I went to the doctor this past Thursday(12/27) and everything is going good. Blood pressure is still great, sugar is still good, weight is definitely on up there(haha!), i'm measuring correctly to my week, and the heartbeat is still strong as ever! :) We are truly blessed!
The doctor did check me again, and i am officially 1 cm dialated!!!! No effacing yet, and she said that some women go 4 weeks being at a 1, but still... its becoming more and more real. I am such a mix of emotions right now... i'm so excited to meet this amazing creation of God, and i'm so nervous because i have NO idea of whats to come. I'm starting to worry about where my waters going to break(or if it will on its own), if we'll get to the hospital on time, how things are going to go, if i'll be able to have her naturally or if i will have to have a C-section, how my family is going to get there in time to witness this, etc. etc. I hope all of this anxiousness is normal.
We did get some things down this weekend. We have her stroller/carseat now, and its ready to go... Matt does a wonderful job of putting things together! :) We also started taking out the furniture that doesn't belong in her room and started putting the furniture in there that does. Like, the rocker-glider!! :) I will have to post pictures! The room is by no means finished yet, but it's getting there. I still have a little more shopping to do! Oh, and i also "packed my bags". (woohoo!!) I washed some of her clothes and blankets and packed those. (I still haven't picked out what she's coming home in yet... is it really THAT big of a deal??? I guess to each their own.) Now, we just need to put the bag in the car... our luck, we'd be in the other car when something happens. HA! Here i go worrying again... ;)
How am i feeling, you ask? Like a whale. I feel absolutely huge and miserable. My feet swell just from thinking about standing and my back feels like its going to break in half any second. Heartburn is seriously taking over my life, and i can't wait for the day i can paint my toenails and shave my legs(properly) again. But other than that, i'm GREAT! :) Everyone keeps telling me that i've "dropped" and they doubt i'll go another 4 weeks. I am praying so hard they are right. I mean, i want her to be healthy... but the quicker this is over, the better. Oh, to see my feet again. :)
Well, once again, my husband awaits my company in the other room... He's been so good to me lately. He even fixed me his special strawberry milkshakes he makes tonight... even though i'm fatter than a cow already. :) He must love me. :) I'm going to go to bed now... 6am comes early. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a GREAT New Year!! :)
Love Always,
Mommy :)
P.S. I have another Dr. appointment this Thursday(1/3), look for the update soon there after. :)