Week 34! Only 6 more to go!!!! Sorry this is late, AGAIN! Tis' the season of being busy. With baby things, and Christmas shopping, and working... i barely have the time(or the energy) to do anything anymore.(Like matching my pajamas for the picture... HAHA! Sorry... i'm getting pretty low on clothes that really fit anymore. The pinks clash horribly, i know.)
I went to the doctor last week(the 12th- a day earlier than my scheduled appt.) because, once again, i was having issues. To make a long story short, the doctor said that there was small traces of blood in my urine, and he treated me for a Urinary Tract Infection. Although i wasn't having the pain or burning sensation like i had one, he wanted to go ahead and treat me because UTI's in pregnant women are supposedly a lot worse than if you weren't prego. Who knows! He reassured me that this medicine was completely safe to take while pregnant because I've been trying SO hard not to take any medications this whole pregnancy. Not even tylenol for my headaches and back pains. I want this pregnancy to be as chemical-free as possible! He did end up checking me again, and said my cervix was still long and closed. She's still baking... :)
As far as anything else, i'm definitely getting tired easier. It's getting harder and harder to do the simplest things these days. I've decided that pregnant women should ALL have to have slip on shoes for their last tri-mester, atleast for their own sanity. I've been wearing tennis shoes to work and i feel like i have to stop and tie my shoes every 5 minutes! Maybe its just the fact that it seriously STRAINS me to get to my shoelaces. And i also think our legs should magically become hairless during pregnancy, because shaving is SO HARD with a huge belly!!!!! I can't even see what i'm doing anymore!!:(
This past weekend, my sister and mom came down to visit me! It was really nice to hang out with them... we went shopping a little in Greensboro on Saturday. It was fun, but of course, i didnt last too long. By the end of 4 hours, my feet/ankles were the size of beach balls, and my hands were so swollen, they didnt even look like my hands anymore. It was still great to hang out with them, though. :) While my sister was down, she took a couple pictures of Matt, me and the belly! I will post them as just a picture post, because when i post a lot of pictures in this blog, it messes a lot of stuff up. (hard to explain, just take my word for it...)
Well, im going to go and finish doing laundry and put my feet up. :) Hope everything is going well with everyone. Christmas is JUST around the corner!! :) Only 6 more shopping days left!!!
Kaitlyn's Mommy:)