Here we are at week 32! I believe this starts my eighth month, right? Only 8 short little weeks left until i get to hold my precious baby girl in my arms... I CAN'T WAIT! :)
This week has been good... I've been busy, writing thank you notes, christmas cards, and doing what seems like endless laundry. As far as how i'm feeling... im getting tired easier these days. My belly feels so tight sometimes that i think that all i need is a pin to pop it and relieve some of this pressure and tightness. Heartburn is still lingering(even when im only drinking water!!!), and sleep is getting less and less of my time. I feel like i'm eating a lot more these days too... its almost like i'm back to my first trimester where NOTHING could fill me up! :( Maybe she's growing so much right now that shes taking all my food... lets hope so! :)
I went to the doctor this past week(11-28) and they asked me if i had any questions, and i did ask the nurse about something. I wont go into detail about it, because im sure it would gross some people out, but needless to say, i thought i was leaking fluid... so she had the doctor check me, and they said that there was no sign of leakage, that my baby must have just stomped on my bladder and made me leak a little. Who knows! All i know is that they scheduled me an appointment next week too, just to make sure. CRAZY! Other than that, im doing great. Blood pressure is still a little low, but man does my weight make up for that... haha! I'm ALMOST to the point of gaining a whole 40lbs!!!!!!!!! I never thought i'd see these figures on the scales. :) But i am proud to say, in two weeks(including thanksgiving was in these two weeks), i only gained 3lbs. So, only 1 over what i was supposed to gain. 1 pound at Thanksgiving, not so bad! :)
Today, Matt and I are going to Greensboro to shop a little. We were given money at my baby shower for a rocker/glider chair and i am so antsy to go get it, its killing me! :) We also need to get a couple other things... and i REALLY want to get my Christmas shopping done, because if i wait much longer, i'm not going to feel like getting out and shopping in all of the crowds. Pray for my poor husband, he HATES to shop!! :)
Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend... and if your going to brave the Christmas crowds like us, good luck!! :)
Love to all!
Mommy to Kaitlyn Brooke :)