Ok, i just looked and my last post was January 10th, 2008. My, has my life CHANGED since then... :)
I'm going to try and keep this up now that Kaitlyn has gotten a LOT older and naps a lot better! :)
I'm sure all of you know Kaitlyn Brooke Evans was born February 3, 2008 at 6:29am. She weighed a whoppin' 7lbs. 13oz. and was 20.75 inches long. :) She is currently 5.5 months right now and is growing like a weed! :) I absolutely LOVE being a mommy... i love the first smile of the morning, the way she smells(well... most of the time! haha), how she holds my shirt when i nurse her, the way she looks when she's sleeping, how she holds on to my hair for security, her little laugh that lights me up. Man, i could go on... and on... and on. But i'll spare you the sappi-ness. ;)
She has grown so much this past month, its CRAZY! It seems like every day she's learning something new. She is now rolling over both ways, sitting up(mostly on her own), plays with toys more and more each day, switches toys from one hand to the other, reaches for EVERYTHING, making a lot more sounds, laughing more(out of the blue, too... its too cute), eating cereal and we're getting ready to start some veggies here soon, and yesterday in the car - she took her paci out of her mouth with one hand, switched it to the other hand, and then proceeded to put it back in her mouth...!!! AMAZING! :)
Life sure is different with a child, though. It is a very self-less job. I understand now why my mom went without a lot of things, just so we could have growing up. My hair hasn't been highlighted(like i used to do on a regular basis) in over a year, whenever i go shopping i always find myself in the baby section instead of my own, and all i read these days are books about babies. But i wouldn't trade her for the world. She is a blessing from above. :)
Well, nap time is over and i have plenty of other things i need to do here. I hope to keep this thing well-posted. I promise the posts wont be ALL about her from now on...
Here's a few pic's to leave you with...
