Reading some of my friends blogs, they have inspired me to make a post "all about me". Whether this will be worth the minutes you spend reading it... im not sure. But here goes nothing...
1. I am absolutely petrified of thunderstorms/tornadoes/and the like. I have been since i can remember, and i see no end in sight. If i am home and hear that dreaded "beep beep beep" on the TV alerting me of a "severe thunderstorm" in my area, you better bet your bottom dollar im in my car on my way to wherever there is family or friends... or even my husbands work. Yes, it is that bad. Is there some name for this phobia?
2. I cannot stand to wash dishes in dirty dish water. If i have a sink full of soapy water, PLEASE do not just dump your dirty messy dish in my CLEAN water. Rinse it first, then you can put it in. Thank you.
3. I love shampoo and i have atleast 3 bottles of different kinds in my shower at all times. I rarely use the same one in a row.
4. I am a sucker for Mountain Dew. Always have been, always will be. It's like my drug. :)
5. I really want to go back to school for medical transcription. I am currently working on doing this. If not this coming fall, the HOPEFULLY next. And yes, the saying "The longer you're out of school, the harder it is to go back" is TRUE.
6. I love photography. I wish i had taken photography classes throughout school... i think it would be a job, that wasn't a job... does that make sense?
7. I really want a dog. I have lived with a cat practically my whole life(well, until i got married), and now i want to be a proud dog-owner. You know, i used to try and walk my cat... tied a leash around her collar and everything... FYI, it doesn't work! :)
8. I have a bad habit of biting my nails. I stopped when i got pregnant, and thought i was over it... but, i have since started back. Ughhhh.
9. O'Charleys has the best rolls, Olive Garden has the best breadsticks. Hands down. YUM!
10. I love to work word-search puzzles. I know, i'm a nerd.
11. I wish i could sing like my sister. She has such an amazing voice.... and somehow those genes just passed RIGHT over me. Dang it. :(
12. I cannot cook. At all. Just ask my husband.
13. I can however, bake a MEAN cake. ;)
14. I miss living in Lynchburg. I NEVER thought i would say that... but here i am, saying it. It will always be home to me.
15. The beach is pretty much amazing to me. I love everything about it... the way it sounds, the way it smells(well, kind of), the way it feels to be there. God's creation is AH-MAZING! :)
16. I met my husband when i was in the 8th grade. We went to see Titanic together. haha. CRAZY!
17. Staying home with a child is MUCH harder than any public job. I am blessed to be able to stay home, but i never knew how much goes into it. Stay at home moms ROCK!!!!!!! :)
18. I have never been a real "stylish" person. Most of the time, i think what is "in style" is weird-looking to me. I am not materialistic, by any means.
19. I hate to read books, unless they're teaching me something. (i.e. the Bible, books on babies, etc.)
20. I hate spending money on gas. It's gone before you know it.
21. I have never fully understood the game of basketball. I have begged many people to explain it to me(mainly the little details).. but none want to while watching the game themself. Sigh... maybe one day.
22. I am not a night person. My mom has always called me her "9 o'clock child"... i would seriously ask to go to bed at 9pm. Oh, to be able to do that these days... haha! :)
23. My sister is my best friend. I don't know where i'd be without her. We went through a lot of slammed doors, screaming at the top of our lungs, "i hate you" years.... but, the truth is, she is my rock.
24. My parents divorced when i was 13... but i can't imagine my life any differently, and i think i'm a better person because of it.
25. I have never been to NYC. I've been driving past it, but never to tour. :(
26. My sister and i have memorized many lines from these movies... "The Little Mermaid", "Hook", "Home Alone", "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days", etc.
27. My favorite color is blue. But i'm really starting to like teal. :)
28. I am technically from the "south", but i absolutely HATE sweet tea. Weird, isn't it?
29. I love mexican and italian food... i could eat it everyday.
30. I ate a PB&J sandwich everyday for lunch in highschool. I think i bought lunch 1 day. Seriously.
31. I hate to drive on interstates(or any busy road). It took me forever to get used to driving in Greensboro. I still white-knuckle it... but i'm not HALF as bad as i used to be. It only took me 4 years of living in NC to get over it! haha!
32. I would probably fail a 6th grade math test... that's how bad i am at math.
33. I used to think i wanted 3 kids. Now, i'm not sure i could even handle another. I mean, i would LOVE to have MANY more... but these newborn months are HARRRRRDDDD!!!!
34. Kaitlyn Brooke Evans has my heart. I love that little girl more than words can say. It's true, you'll never know the love until you have one of your own.
35. I don't think i will ever step foot on an airplane. If i do, you'll probably have to drug me.
36. I think its ridiculous how the chip bag is filled with mostly air and costs $3.79 a bag. Rip off!!!!
37. I can (most of the time) tell you what car is coming down the highway... i dont know the year of it, but i can almost always tell you the make and model. Yes, i have been married to my husband for FAR too long.
38. I hate not having a tan. I haven't seen the sun in almost 2 years. But hey, i might actually look my age come 50, right? ;)
39. I have only had 2 surgeries. Wisdom teeth and a C-Section. I don't recommend either.
40. Movie theaters are okay, but i would much rather rent a movie and watch it on a comfy couch! :)
41. I hate opening gifts in front of a bunch of people. I feel like i have to act a certain way or something. I dont know... i never really enjoyed birthday parties for myself. Strange! :)
42. I love surprises!!
43. I love to fall asleep to the TV. Every time i spend the night with my sister, we fight over this. She likes it to be dark, i like to have the TV on. I usually win! :)
44. As CRAZY as this sounds, i kind of miss being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, i do NOT miss the feeling like a whale, pains and constant potty breaks, but i miss the feeling of her moving inside me. It was my favorite feeling ever.
45. I love the fall. Something about the smell and how it feels outside. Oh, and the leaves changing are breath-taking.
46. I don't mind getting dressed up every once in a while, but i am MUCH more comfortable in a pair of jeans and a hoodie. :)
47. Christmas time makes me all warm and fuzzy. :)
48. My family is so important to me. Immediate and extended.
49. I wish i wasn't so afraid to try new things. I think i'd have a lot more fun in life if i didn't worry all the time.
50. I think there are some things that smell better than they taste... popcorn, marshmellows, and coffee.
Well folks... thats about all you're getting out of me tonight. It's 9:47pm and i'm hitting the hay. My dad is coming down for a visit tomorrow, and i cannot wait!!! :)
I am a total daddy's girl.
