The countdown until VACATION is here... only 5 more days until Matt and I are on our way to Smith Mountain Lake in VA!
This will be our first vacation in 2 years! Last summer, i was pregnant, and we we're saving all our money for baby things... crib, stroller, etc. So, this year, we decided, although we couldn't really afford our usual Myrtle Beach trip, we would do something of the like, and stay at Smith Mountain Lake for a weekend. WE ARE SO STINKIN' EXCITED!!! Matt has NEVER ridden a jet-ski OR a boat(other than a wimpy fishing boat)... so this should be interesting! He plans on trying to waterski, as well. More power to him... i am NOT a waterskiier... id rather ride on a tube behind the boat, more as a joy ride than anything 'daring'. And don't try to knock me off, i will panic. Something about swimming in a body of water that i cannot see WHAT is swimming around me, kinda makes me have the willies. Thank you. :)
Anyways, Kaitlyn is going to be staying the weekend at Matt's mom & dad's house.... that is, IF i can leave her for a weekend. I haven't been away from her for more than 2 hours since she was born... (sad, isnt it?)... and needless to say, i might have withdrawals... but i'm trying to prepare myself so i can enjoy a break. I NEED IT! I told my mother-in-law that i might have to call every hour just to hear her... thankfully, she understands! :)
Also, if you're wondering what my title to this blog means, theres this WONDERFUL hurricane in the Gulf right now... and is expected to make its lovely little way up the U.S. into VA by....(dun dun dun) FRIDAY!!! Of course. Its like Murpheys Law or something. Making plans for vacation? Better make plans for rain... or hurricanes... or something of the sort. The Lord knows we need the rain... I'm just praying God will hold off the rain until Sunday evening... thats not TOO much to ask, is it? ;)
Well, nap time is coming to an end... and housework is calling my name. (joy!) I will leave you with a couple pictures from 2 Sundays ago. :)
Love to all -
