Anyways, heres some black & white photo love. :)

Weekends already go by too fast, but they seem to FLY when i have my family come visit. :( I guess our next trip will be to Lynchburg... maybe Kaitlyn will be in a new carseat by then, and won't scream the whole time. Lets hope so!
This morning, i was playing with Kaitlyn after breakfast(like we usually do)... and i happened to look over at her and she was CLAPPING her HANDS!!! She's been banging toys on the floor/highchair/etc for a while now... even smacking the toys in her hands.... but never clapped her own hands, until now! It is SO cute! So of course, me being the "got-to-capture-every-little-moment-of-Kaitlyns-life-on-camera" type of Mom, i got the flash a-goin' :)

Yay, baby! Next she'll be playing pat-a-cake with me!!! :) She's growing up so fast!
Love to all...