Tonight, i was a true "Suzy Homemaker"... and i am proud to say i cooked dinner(nothing big, but it sure was tasty!) and i then made my very first FROM SCRATCH Peach Cobbler. I'm really starting to get into this baking thing. I can bake a MEAN chocolate cake and now, i can make a cobbler! woo hoo! Maybe Kaitlyn won't go hungry when she gets older after all... haha! :) Well, atleast not from desert. I still have some work to do when it comes to "cooking"... i'm sure Matt can vouch for that one.
This week has been a pretty good week... aside from dropping $500 on Matts truck to be fixed, he is now driving that to work, and leaving me with the CAR! YAY! I can actually get out of the house now! Too bad whenever i do, by the time i get the stroller out and her out of her carseat, and actually get INSIDE the store(trying to open doors with a stroller is TOUGH! I guess you have to be an experienced mom to master this...), im worn out already. Not to mention a LOT of stores are not very 'stroller friendly'... i can barely get through some of the racks with her big ole' stroller. Maybe its time to invest in a smaller stroller. Hmmm.
We also got Kaitlyn a new carseat!! (Can everyone join with me on the hallelujah chorus, please?) She seems to like it very much... so much so, that last night when i was coming home at 7pm(EARLIER than normal so she wouldnt fall asleep before i gave her a bath)... 2 minutes down the road she was OUT! Matt says its like the Cadillac of carseats... very comfy! ;)

"im ready to go, mommy!"

This weekend i have nothing planned... Matt works, so i'll probably end up at my in-laws. :) I love them.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
playing in our PJ's before bedtime! :)
gummy grins are the BEST! :)
Love to all.