Don't you hate that feeling knowing your vacation is over and its back to work in the morning? Well, i didn't have it -quite- as bad as Matt did this year, seeing as i get to stay home with my bundle of joy... but it was still sad to see him(aka my help!) leave.
Let me start off by giving thanks to the LORD for answering my prayers in my last blog entry! We never saw a drop of rain until AFTER we got home from the lake!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!! :)
Ok, so Friday we left for the lake. "We" being Matt and I... Kaitlyn spent the weekend with Matt's parents. Let me just say, this was my first time ever being away from her for more than 2 hours... i cried like a baby as soon as we left, wanted to call and check on her 10 minutes down the road, cried a few times when we were there(mainly at night), and RAN to give her hugs & kisses when i got back. I missed that little girl more than ANYTHING, but.. it was nice to have a break. :)
While at the lake, Matt and I hung out with Dad and Amy. Dad brought the jet-ski up Saturday... and the boat up on Sunday. We had TONS of fun... Matt got to waterski for the first time ever(which he did AWESOME... he got up every time he tried!), we got to watch Amy waterski AND wakeboard, and i got to ride the jetski. We were going to tube some, but the boat was acting up... so maybe next year. :) All in all, it was so nice!!
The rest of the week, we visited Matts grandparents(both sets) and his family... but mostly stayed around home. It was nice to have Matt around to help me(i'm missing that a little right now.)
Here are some pictures from the week...
Our view from where we stayed... not too shabby ;)

Here's Dad and Matt getting ready to go jetskiing.... Dad being his goofy self ;)

My little cutie pie chillin' in the car with her snazzy shades and teether! :)
So, i LOVE mornings with my little girl. Listening to her talk and play in her crib when she wakes up is music to my ears(well.... at 7am or later, that is). This past week she has started to say "Da-Da"... not directly to Matt, but its her word. She says it ALLLLLLLLL the time. Its a shame they say Da-Da first when MAMA is the one who does all the work... hmmm.. :) This morning we played in the crib for a while... she loves Peek-a-boo!!! :)

Peekaboo, baby :)

Sorry this one is blurry, but i couldnt help but post it. She had her hands poking out of the bottom of her bumper, so i lifted it and this is what i saw :) "let me outttt, mamaaaa" haha:)
And yes, i am WELL aware my child is turning orange. We are currently on carrot/sweet potato strike. Green beans and peas will have to do.... its so funny! Her little orange nose is hilarious to me :)
Well, i must go... Jon&Kate plus 8 is on, and its my favorite show! :) Hope everyone is doing well.... LOVE to all.
P.S. be on the look out for Kaitlyns 7 month pictures to be posted AND some pictures of her 2 new teeth that have just cut through... (and BOY was that ROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!)