Whew. This has been one of those days.
Kaitlyn woke up a little earlier than usual this morning, and it has been downhill ever since. I swear she knows what days Matt is off and we can sleep in... she makes it a point to get up early. Funny girl. :) Murpheys Law.
I've been trying to get her to eat more 'finger foods' here lately. Today, i tried giving her a few little pieces of cheese... to make a long story short, she is allergic. Or atleast develops a rash from the cheese(and formula that is not soy)... I believe i have a lactose intolerant child. Or she is just allergic to milk protein. JOY!(note the sarcasm) I took a picture of her poor little face, hoping i can print it and take it to the doctor to see what her deal is. Nothing else comes with the rash.. no diarrhea, vomiting, lack of breathing, etc. Just a rash around her mouth. Strange? Why yes it is. It doesn't even seem to bother her. Shes still happy... it just looks funny.

I also fed her some REAL chicken tonight for dinner (not that jar crap... have you smelt of that stuff? WHEW! She wont eat it.) Anyways, her first reaction was... this texture is a little funny... but then she was allllll about it. She loves feeding herself. So much so, that its getting harder and harder to spoon feed her anything. Already independent. YIKES!

We just got home from a weekend in Lynchburg... and i'm just getting my house back together. Unpacking my 257,206,106 unneccesary items i packed in my 4 bags.... just to stay for 2 days. HA! When traveling with a baby... you can't pack enough. We had fun, saw family we havent seen in a long time, and hung out with my MOM for her BIRTHDAY! :)
Halloween is almost here... and Kaitlyn is going to be herself this year. She has a cute little Halloween "Daddys Lil' Pumpkin" outfit.. but thats all. Next year she'll be all decked out. :)
Well, my bed is calling... and so is the heating pad on this poor ole' back of mine. (picking children out of highchairs, cribs, and tubs... off of the floor... while the child is resisting and throwing her head back in a tantrum, is really taking a toll on the back. Every mom should have a personal massose.(sp?) Amen? ;)
Love to all.