I just wanted to take this post and tell everyone how grateful i am for a healthy child.
I admit, i love reading other peoples blogs - even if i don't know them. And then i look at the other people they know, and i read their blogs... and then it just spirals into this unhealthy addiction. haha. No, but seriously, i came across two blogs that have really made me praise the Lord above for a healthy child. One is this one http://prayforeli.blogspot.com/ and the other is this one http://www.littlemissmollyann.blogspot.com/
If you have the chance, go to them. I guarantee you will thank God for all you have been blessed with afterwards. I don't say that to 'pity' them, because i truly believe God is closest to those in mourning or going through hard times. After all, He never promised a life without any trouble - only that He would be there with us, through it all. The courage and testimony of these parents speaks volumes to me. And i love how they share their story with 'the world' - what an awesome way to show how the Lord takes care of His flock.
Ok, i hope to be off my emotional box now. :)
Kaitlyn is 9 months and almost 2 weeks. She is learning new things everyday - mostly new noises she can make with her mouth. She will mimic every cough, 'raspberry' noise you make. She loves to scream at the top of her lungs - and not always because shes mad - mostly when shes happy. (My mom tells me i used to do the same thing. This may explain my mothers hearing issues - haha, im kidding mom!) She LOVES taking baths now(as you will see below), but is not into getting her diaper changed anymore. It's like she doesn't have time for it or something. Hmm.
She is also developing her lovely personality.

And what a LOVELY personality it is! :) (She's a typical girl - she doesn't get what she wants, and that is the reaction i get.) I can't wait until the teenage years! ...Note the sarcasm. :)
But when she's not like that - she's like this!
A ball of energy! Crawling all around, getting into everything shes NOT supposed to (trashcans, doormats, Matts surround-sound wires, etc.). But, I love her. Who couldn't? :)
Here she is at bath time. She LOVES her ducks - so, im thinking for Christmas, we're going to do her whole bathroom in them. Thats the tentative plan, anyway.
Shampoo mohawk, anyone? :)

Well, its getting late, and my eyes are hurting. Not to mention, my back, head, and neck. Oh, the joys of motherhood. :)

Well, its getting late, and my eyes are hurting. Not to mention, my back, head, and neck. Oh, the joys of motherhood. :)
Tomorrow is Christmas picture day for Kaitlyn - lets hope she cooperates and we get atleast one good one. All you family faithful-readers out there - be looking for some pictures in the mail sometime soon. Can you believe Christmas is only 39 days away?!?!?! WHATTTTTTTTTT?
Love to all :)
Kaitlyns mommy!