T-minus 6 days until Christmas! Have you finished all your shopping? I haven't! It's a lot harder this year, toting a 20lb. child who doesn't enjoy a stroller. Yeah.
On another note, today two years ago, my Grandpa went to be with Jesus. I miss him so much, think about him often, but i am SO glad that one day i will be able to see him again. I can't imagine not having the security of my salvation, and watching someone i love, who knows the Lord, die. There would be no peace.
Here's a picture of him and my Grandma on their 50th anniversary, with all the grandkids.

She won't sit still for a picture anymore. Oh, what happened to the days where i sat her down, and could leave the room for a second and she'd still be sitting there playing happily with a toy. Hmmmmm.
Christmas card picture OUTTAKE! It's cute, but didnt make the cut.
On another note, today two years ago, my Grandpa went to be with Jesus. I miss him so much, think about him often, but i am SO glad that one day i will be able to see him again. I can't imagine not having the security of my salvation, and watching someone i love, who knows the Lord, die. There would be no peace.
Here's a picture of him and my Grandma on their 50th anniversary, with all the grandkids.

LOVE HIM! I just know he's loving Heaven. :)
On a brighter note, Kaitlyn is growing like a WEED! I think i say this every time, but it just seems like every day she's doing something different. She's talking... crawling faster than i can walk... and here recently, refusing to eat from a spoon. (the last one is teaching me patience.) She waves bye-bye, blows kisses, points to my nose(when i ask 'wheres mommys nose?'), and points to the tree when i ask 'wheres the tree?'. As for walking... she's not wanting much of it. She will walk with me holding her hands, and LOVES it, but don't dare put her behind something she can push and walk. No sir. She wants nothing to do with it and cries bloody murder. Funny.

Here she is after a bath - with her crazy hair (and her beloved rubber duckies).

Here she is after a bath - with her crazy hair (and her beloved rubber duckies).
She won't sit still for a picture anymore. Oh, what happened to the days where i sat her down, and could leave the room for a second and she'd still be sitting there playing happily with a toy. Hmmmmm.
Christmas card picture OUTTAKE! It's cute, but didnt make the cut.
Ahhh, much better. Merry Christmas 2008 - from our family to yours! :)
Here's a picture of Kaitlyn with her future 'best bud' Alleigh. We had our first playdate this week, and had a blast! Alleigh is 10 days older than Kaitlyn. Alleigh is practically walking, Kaitlyn? Not so much. But in due time. Maybe if we hang around her long enough, Kaitlyn will pick up on a few new tricks! haha.

Alleigh is a LOVE BUG! She is SO sweet... but a little overwhelming for Kaitlyn. As you will see in the next photo.
Kaitlyn's face cracks me up! As i was telling my mom about this playdate, she informed me that there was an old TV show called 'Kate and Allie" or something like that. HA! How funny! :)
Well, that is all for now, folks. Until next time. And if i dont post before Christmas, i hope everyone has a wonderful CHRISTmas! Dont forget the reason for the season!
Love to all.