Somebody has 2 TOP TEETH! (...and a runny nose and chapped cheeks - the chapped cheeks are from all the nose-wipin'.) Oh, and we cant forget a double chin. :)

"Mom, could you please give me a minute, im talking to someone on the phone here."

"Ok, now what were you sayin'? Like, Ohmygosh!" ( this a flash of whats to come in the teenage years? Oh my.)

This is pretty much her reaction EVERY time she sees the Christmas tree. SHE LOVES IT! :)

And here's my first video upload - sorry for the bad video-taking skills, i hope to get better. And i also hope to post more videos now that i have learned how. :)
I'm trying to get her to say 'baby' and 'duck' - listen closely. :)

"Mom, could you please give me a minute, im talking to someone on the phone here."

"Ok, now what were you sayin'? Like, Ohmygosh!" ( this a flash of whats to come in the teenage years? Oh my.)

This is pretty much her reaction EVERY time she sees the Christmas tree. SHE LOVES IT! :)

And here's my first video upload - sorry for the bad video-taking skills, i hope to get better. And i also hope to post more videos now that i have learned how. :)
I'm trying to get her to say 'baby' and 'duck' - listen closely. :)
On to other things... i was looking up random stuff tonight on the internet, and came across this youtube video. It is 8 minutes long, but trust me, its worth it. You will be blessed. Watch it.