...My baby girl is one. ONE! I know everyone says this, but seriously, where did the time go? It seems like yesterday I was in the hospital – it’s amazing how much changes in a year.
To my baby girl, my Kaitlyn Brooke,
When I think back on these past 12 months, I’m a mix of emotions. I want to cry because ‘my baby’ is slowly but surely becoming a toddler (don’t worry, you’ll always be mommy’s baby!), but I also want to jump for joy because you’re becoming more independent each day and I love watching you grow and learn. I never knew just how much my life would change on that February 3rd , 2008.
I’ll never forget feeling you kick inside my tummy for the first time, or getting to hear your heartbeat on the monitor every doctor visit. I’ll never forget hearing “IT’S A GIRL” during the ultrasound – even though I knew it all along. :)
I’ll never forget my first glimpse of you (you looked just like your daddy!)
or the first time I heard you cry. I’ll never forget seeing your daddy’s face when he was holding you for the first time, or laying in ‘recovery’ waiting (impatiently) to see your beautiful face again and to count your fingers and toes.

I love this next picture - for many reasons. #1 - the clock on the wall - she was born at 6:29 am, and its 6:43 am, she was 14 minutes old. #2 -Everyone is in this picture. #3 - Everyone's faces :) #4 - I wasn't able to see this in real life, so this picture is the next best thing! :)

This is a new kind of love. A love that makes me cry when you’re crying because I don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it. A love that, before you, would die without a full nights sleep, but now doesn’t think twice about getting up in the middle of the night to feed you or rock you back to sleep. A love that wakes me up at random hours of the night to go check on you to make sure you’re okay, covered up and warm. A love that, when you’re away from me, even for an hour, makes me wonder how you are doing. A Mommy’s love that I hope one day you will get to experience. A love that will NEVER end.

My Super-Bowl Baby doing her 'touchdown' pose!:)

I can’t believe a whole year has gone by already. They told me the nine months of pregnancy would go fast, but no one told me the first year would go by even faster. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home with you. God has blessed us with the finances for me to stay at home this whole first year, and we could not be more thankful. I love getting to see your first smiles of the day, being able to teach you new things (so we can show daddy what you’ve learned when he gets home), being able to give you all the hugs and kisses I want to throughout the day, watching you grow and learn new things and most of all, being able to be by your side all day long. You’re my best friend.

You have 7 teeth already, and I believe you’re working on one more. Your favorite toys are books and anything that plays music. You love to play peek-a-boo with your ‘blankie’. You already have a foot fetish (fuzzy socks and painted toenails are a favorite). You point at everything – most of the time, calling it ‘baby’. You are a pro at crawling and pulling up, walking is not your favorite thing to do yet, but we're working on that. You like to pull anybody’s hair, (but its okay, we’re working on that one, too.) You have a scream so high-pitched that it could seriously crack glass...we joke and say maybe one day you'll sing Opera. You love your “gucks”(ducks) in your bathroom, and you LOVE bathtime. You like looking at yourself in the mirror, talking and laughing away at yourself. You hate your car seat, you always have – and I’m afraid you always will. You have rhythm, you can dance already (your daddy is a little worried.) You have the cutest gap between your front teeth and your smiles and laughs are contagious!

Happy 1st Birthday, Sweet Kaitlyn.
To my baby girl, my Kaitlyn Brooke,
When I think back on these past 12 months, I’m a mix of emotions. I want to cry because ‘my baby’ is slowly but surely becoming a toddler (don’t worry, you’ll always be mommy’s baby!), but I also want to jump for joy because you’re becoming more independent each day and I love watching you grow and learn. I never knew just how much my life would change on that February 3rd , 2008.
I’ll never forget feeling you kick inside my tummy for the first time, or getting to hear your heartbeat on the monitor every doctor visit. I’ll never forget hearing “IT’S A GIRL” during the ultrasound – even though I knew it all along. :)
I’ll never forget my first glimpse of you (you looked just like your daddy!)

or the first time I heard you cry. I’ll never forget seeing your daddy’s face when he was holding you for the first time, or laying in ‘recovery’ waiting (impatiently) to see your beautiful face again and to count your fingers and toes.

I love this next picture - for many reasons. #1 - the clock on the wall - she was born at 6:29 am, and its 6:43 am, she was 14 minutes old. #2 -Everyone is in this picture. #3 - Everyone's faces :) #4 - I wasn't able to see this in real life, so this picture is the next best thing! :)

This is a new kind of love. A love that makes me cry when you’re crying because I don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it. A love that, before you, would die without a full nights sleep, but now doesn’t think twice about getting up in the middle of the night to feed you or rock you back to sleep. A love that wakes me up at random hours of the night to go check on you to make sure you’re okay, covered up and warm. A love that, when you’re away from me, even for an hour, makes me wonder how you are doing. A Mommy’s love that I hope one day you will get to experience. A love that will NEVER end.

My Super-Bowl Baby doing her 'touchdown' pose!:)

I can’t believe a whole year has gone by already. They told me the nine months of pregnancy would go fast, but no one told me the first year would go by even faster. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home with you. God has blessed us with the finances for me to stay at home this whole first year, and we could not be more thankful. I love getting to see your first smiles of the day, being able to teach you new things (so we can show daddy what you’ve learned when he gets home), being able to give you all the hugs and kisses I want to throughout the day, watching you grow and learn new things and most of all, being able to be by your side all day long. You’re my best friend.

You have 7 teeth already, and I believe you’re working on one more. Your favorite toys are books and anything that plays music. You love to play peek-a-boo with your ‘blankie’. You already have a foot fetish (fuzzy socks and painted toenails are a favorite). You point at everything – most of the time, calling it ‘baby’. You are a pro at crawling and pulling up, walking is not your favorite thing to do yet, but we're working on that. You like to pull anybody’s hair, (but its okay, we’re working on that one, too.) You have a scream so high-pitched that it could seriously crack glass...we joke and say maybe one day you'll sing Opera. You love your “gucks”(ducks) in your bathroom, and you LOVE bathtime. You like looking at yourself in the mirror, talking and laughing away at yourself. You hate your car seat, you always have – and I’m afraid you always will. You have rhythm, you can dance already (your daddy is a little worried.) You have the cutest gap between your front teeth and your smiles and laughs are contagious!

Kaitlyn, you are everything that your daddy and I could have possibly hoped and dreamed for in a daughter. We cannot wait to see what the next 17+ years of your life will hold. I pray that the Lord will shine upon you and make you into a sweet, loving little girl who grows into a woman with uncompromising faith.
Happy 1st Birthday, Sweet Kaitlyn.
I pray you always know that I love you and that you are such a blessing in my life.
"Love you forever, like you for always. As long as i'm living, my baby you'll be."
Love Always,
**Proverbs 4:1-15
Heres a link to Kaitlyns video i made her...enjoy! (It is the SHORTENED version... the original is 20 minutes long! I had to half it for youtube!)