Whew! The past 2 weekends have been SO incredibly busy! Matt and I have been married 5 years... and in that 5 years we've been invited to maybe 4 weddings, - 2 of which we couldn't make it to, and the last 2 we're BACK TO BACK weekends! Talk about fun, but also exhausting!
August 19th, 2009 we were able to attend Matt's cousin Audrey's wedding. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding and a lot of fun getting to dance and hang out with Matt's family. Aunt "Maime" kept Kaitlyn so Matt and I could enjoy some adult time - and it was wonderful. :)
Here we are :)

Audrey & Zach - first dance to "I'll Back You Up" by Dave Matthews Band. Awesome song! :)

Us with the happy couple!
Brittany, Stephanie, Audrey, Me, & Stormy! Love these girls!
..and they're off! :)
August 26th, 2009 -The other wedding we went to was for our mutual friend, Matt McDaniel. He was actually the guy who introduced Matt and I together, so we couldn't miss his big day! :) It was planned to be an OUTSIDE wedding at a bed and breakfast manor... but it was seriously the most miserable weather possible that day. 60's and POURING rain. Not drizzle. DOWNPOURS! And not off and on... ALL day! So, needless to say, they had to go with their 'back up plan'... which was inside of a HUGE barn. Turned out beautiful... but a little chilly. I didn't take too many pictures because the lighting was so low inside the barn, but here's what we got! :)
first dance! :)
This coming weekend we're taking Kaitlyn to "Day Out with Thomas" with her cousin Landon, his mommy and daddy (Laura and Ryan), and my Dad and step-mom. Landon loves Thomas... Kaitlyn not too much on the actual DVD of him, but loves his books and knows its "Thomasss" :) We're looking forward to it - we're just praying for some good weather!
Well, thats about all for now... Thomas pictures to come! :)