Soo.... a lot has happened since my last post - considering its almost been a month!
Lets see...we went to the beach with Matt's family the last week in October. This was Kaitlyn's first beach trip ever, so of course i took 356,895,963 photos. :) To make a long story short, she LOVED it! She's usually really finicky about her hands and feet, so i thought she might have a texture thing going on with the sand... but nope! She loved shoveling it all over herself.
Here's her first morning on the balcony... she kept telling the ocean "hiii". We also watched our first sunrise that morning too. :)

This is us before our lazy river attempt. Kaitlyn did not enjoy the pool this summer, so i was hoping she -might- enjoy it this time... and i think she would have been okay, if the lazy river didn't have waterfalls to go under and the water coming out of those waterfalls being cold. (ps - what is so relaxing about that?!?!) Anyways... here's before:

and after:

and after:

haha! She was not enthused. Can you tell?
We also went to the outlets (of course!), and rode a carousel. She loved it, and rode it 3 times. :)
Here she is playing in the sand. Like i said, it was a hit!
love this picture!
Some pictures from our family photo shoot. :)
We had a GREAT time at the beach, and can't wait till Kaitlyn is a little bit older to enjoy it a little more.
We got back from the beach on Halloween... so we got to dress up. We didn't do much trick-or-treating, but of course we had to hit up Gammie and Papa's house!
The best fam photo out of 3. We take what we can get these days...
She was not a huge fan of the costume. But i LOVED it because i was a bunny for halloween at her age, too! I'll try and post a pic of that soon! :)
Here's my big-girl bookworm, who has to take EVERY book off of her bookshelf.
Right now, im fighting some kind of flu/something. I went to the doctor and they said "stomach flu"... every symptom is gone now except for my fever. I can't seem to break it. :( Luckily, i have the BEST mother-in-law in the WORLD, and she has been helping me with Kaitlyn so i can get some rest and get back to normal. I don't know what i would do without her! She's just amazing!! :)
Well, speaking of being sick, im going to get off of here and rest some more. Much love to everyone. OH, and happy veterns day! Thank you to all the ones serving and the ones who have already served! God Bless America!!!