Goodness, im bad at all the blogging stuff. Life has been so busy lately... by the time i put Kaitlyn to bed, all i want to do is crawl in bed myself!
So to catch up from the holiday season...
Here's our annual Christmas Card picture for 2009! Merry Christmas!! :)

Kaitlyn LOVES baby Jesus... and i'm glad. :) She can also name Mary (maaaree) and Joseph (joseeff). I love it!

Christmas Eve in her jammies... they say "What Santa doesn't bring me, Grandma will!" Oh, so very, very true! :)

Christmas day family photo!

Here's Kaitlyn sporting her new shirt...
So to catch up from the holiday season...
Here's our annual Christmas Card picture for 2009! Merry Christmas!! :)

Kaitlyn LOVES baby Jesus... and i'm glad. :) She can also name Mary (maaaree) and Joseph (joseeff). I love it!

Christmas Eve in her jammies... they say "What Santa doesn't bring me, Grandma will!" Oh, so very, very true! :)

Christmas day family photo!

This is one of the MANY toys Kaitlyn got this year... her very own 'Dirt Devil' "baccumm"... haha. She loves it!

Christmas was a lot of fun this year - she was MUCH more into opening presents this year than last... and much more into playing with the toys she got. Although, i think next year is when she'll really enjoy herself. :)

Christmas was a lot of fun this year - she was MUCH more into opening presents this year than last... and much more into playing with the toys she got. Although, i think next year is when she'll really enjoy herself. :)
Well, besides Christmas.... we've been busy with other things. Such as DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS! Matt, Kaitlyn, and myself are SOOOOOO EXCITED to announce that we're expecting baby #2!
Andddd... here's how we told our parents this time!
We waited until Christmas and wrapped a present "To: Kaitlyn From: Jesus"... and let that be her last present she opened. We made both sets of parents sit with her and open it... It was a T-Shirt saying "This little sweetie is going to be a BIG SISTER!" - and of course, they were all happy! :)
We're due August 4th and are thrilled beyond belief! I'm not really looking forward to being insanely HUGE in the summer months, butttt.... ill make it! :) This pregnancy has been a little different than Kaitlyn... i'm craving different things. With Kaitlyn i craved citrus. Orange popsicles, oranges, orange juice, apples, etc. This one? CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness. I'm going to be the size of a whale come July. I'm also a LOT more tired with this one than i remember with Kaitlyn. I asked the doctor about it and he said "Julie... you have a toddler this go 'round. Of course you'll be more tired." Ok. But going to bed at 8:30-9pm every night and waking up at 7am.... and STILL needing a nap during the day? Let's hope this first trimester ends soon. :)
Here's Kaitlyn sporting her new shirt...