*How far along? 14 weeks 2 days
*Total weight gain/loss: ummm.... yeah. this is NOT doctor scales, just ones at home - but they're saying 7lbs. in 3 weeks. Lord, PLEASE let them be wrong!!
*Maternity clothes? im in the weird in-between stage.... where my regular pants won't fit, but my pregnancy pants are way too big. so, black stretchy pants it is! :)
*Stretch marks? not yet...
*Sleep: ehhh... if it wasnt for these DREAMS i'm having all the time, i think i'd rest better. pregnancy makes you dream some crazy things!
*Best moment this week: my sister coming to visit, and helping me out by keeping Kaitlyn entertained! :)
*Movement: haven't felt anything yet... :) although this IS the week i felt Kaitlyn for the first time! so we'll see!!!! :)
*Food cravings: PASTA! mac'n'cheese....spaghetti.... etc.
*Gender: we're supposed to find out March 4th... :) I still say boy. But would be ecstatic with either!
*Name: we are having a HARD time. We've definitely decided Claire for a girl (but havent decided if its a first or middle name).... Boy? HA! Nothing. My husband is picky. :)
*Labor Signs: negative.
*Belly Button in or out? still in.
*What I miss: my energyyyyyyy.... i have no 'get-up-and-go' anymore. :(
*Weekly Wisdom: buy some tums. eat them after every meal. repeat.
*Milestones: Sleeping on my back is no longer an option.... :(