...so that means only 24 more to go? Oh my goodness, how this pregnancy is FLYING BY! Maybe its the fact that i have a 2 year old i'm running around after, that i dont have the time to think anymore! Who knows. All i know is that 24 weeks SEEMS like a long time, butttttt i know it will be here before we know it! And we have so much to do to prepare...
First, is transforming Kaitlyns playroom into her 'big girl room'... complete with new paint, a big girl bed, new comforter, and mommy's tears. :( I still can't believe she's two.
Second, is PICK OUT A NAME for this baby! Oh my gee. My husband has to be the PICKIEST name-picker-outer, EVER! Most husbands... "oh, honey - whatever you like." mine? I go through the whole 'top 100' names of both boys and girls... does he like a one of them? NOPE! I'm really hoping to have some names picked out before March 4th(the day we find out boy/girl)... but im not seeing that happen. A couple we're thinking about?
Girl - Claire, as a first or middle. We havent decided. I do have a funny story though. Matt and I we're trying to figure out what would go with Claire.. and we thought of some good funny ones... (and we are by NO MEANS using any of these!!!) Crystal Claire = crystal clear :) Claire Isabelle = Clear as a bell. Claire Elise = sounds kind of like "Fur Elise" the song. First name that started with an E and then using Claire = E. Claire. HAHA! our list was longer, i just cant remember them all... we had some pretty good laughs over it though! :)
Boy - We have NOOOOOOO IDEA! My husband likes SCOTT! (no offense to any of you who are named Scott, have a brother, uncle, father, etc named Scott) but i REFUSE! I do not like it. My husband has also picked out Carter.... ehhh... not exactly my favorite either. Another is possibly Logan? I have no idea. Nothing is jumping out at us. Time will tell.
Third, find out what this baby is so we can buy some stuff! Only 2 more weeks!!!!!!! :)
Well, here i am in all my 16 week glory!

belly shot.

*How far along? 16 weeks exactly.
*Total weight gain/loss: 5lbs at my 15 week Dr. appointment. A LOT better than when i was pregnant with Kaitlyn!! :) (I gained 5lbs in 9 weeks with her!)
*Maternity clothes? i broke bad and wore a maternity shirt to church Sunday... but other than that, NO! not yet anyway.
*Stretch marks? not yet...
*Sleep: still dreaming the most VIVID dreams... keeps waking me up too. Other than that, and peeing once a night - im doing good.
*Best moment this week: feeling my baby moveee :) love the flutters!!!
*Movement: YES! :)
*Food cravings: still pasta... i made potato soup tonight with cheese and bacon bits as a topping, and that was pretty tasty to me too! :)
*Gender: we're supposed to find out March 4th...only 2 more weeks!!!!!!!!! :) I still say boy. But would be ecstatic with either!
*Name: Girl? Claire?... Boy? still unsure - read above!
*Labor Signs: negative.
*Belly Button in or out? still in.
*What I miss: i've really been wanting deli meat this week... and caffeine... and pretty much everything else i cant have.
*Weekly Wisdom: God will provide! :)
First, is transforming Kaitlyns playroom into her 'big girl room'... complete with new paint, a big girl bed, new comforter, and mommy's tears. :( I still can't believe she's two.
Second, is PICK OUT A NAME for this baby! Oh my gee. My husband has to be the PICKIEST name-picker-outer, EVER! Most husbands... "oh, honey - whatever you like." mine? I go through the whole 'top 100' names of both boys and girls... does he like a one of them? NOPE! I'm really hoping to have some names picked out before March 4th(the day we find out boy/girl)... but im not seeing that happen. A couple we're thinking about?
Girl - Claire, as a first or middle. We havent decided. I do have a funny story though. Matt and I we're trying to figure out what would go with Claire.. and we thought of some good funny ones... (and we are by NO MEANS using any of these!!!) Crystal Claire = crystal clear :) Claire Isabelle = Clear as a bell. Claire Elise = sounds kind of like "Fur Elise" the song. First name that started with an E and then using Claire = E. Claire. HAHA! our list was longer, i just cant remember them all... we had some pretty good laughs over it though! :)
Boy - We have NOOOOOOO IDEA! My husband likes SCOTT! (no offense to any of you who are named Scott, have a brother, uncle, father, etc named Scott) but i REFUSE! I do not like it. My husband has also picked out Carter.... ehhh... not exactly my favorite either. Another is possibly Logan? I have no idea. Nothing is jumping out at us. Time will tell.
Third, find out what this baby is so we can buy some stuff! Only 2 more weeks!!!!!!! :)
Well, here i am in all my 16 week glory!

belly shot.

*How far along? 16 weeks exactly.
*Total weight gain/loss: 5lbs at my 15 week Dr. appointment. A LOT better than when i was pregnant with Kaitlyn!! :) (I gained 5lbs in 9 weeks with her!)
*Maternity clothes? i broke bad and wore a maternity shirt to church Sunday... but other than that, NO! not yet anyway.
*Stretch marks? not yet...
*Sleep: still dreaming the most VIVID dreams... keeps waking me up too. Other than that, and peeing once a night - im doing good.
*Best moment this week: feeling my baby moveee :) love the flutters!!!
*Movement: YES! :)
*Food cravings: still pasta... i made potato soup tonight with cheese and bacon bits as a topping, and that was pretty tasty to me too! :)
*Gender: we're supposed to find out March 4th...only 2 more weeks!!!!!!!!! :) I still say boy. But would be ecstatic with either!
*Name: Girl? Claire?... Boy? still unsure - read above!
*Labor Signs: negative.
*Belly Button in or out? still in.
*What I miss: i've really been wanting deli meat this week... and caffeine... and pretty much everything else i cant have.
*Weekly Wisdom: God will provide! :)