We've been fighting the nasty RSV virus and ear infections here, and it is NOT fun. I do not recommend it. Lots of coughs, breathing treatments, antibiotics, humidifiers, etc. I will be so glad when this is over. Cleaning a humidifier EVERY day is taxing.
On a lighter note, Kaitlyn has been HILARIOUS lately. It's amazing how fast she's learning... growing... changing. Lately, she becomes attached to an item (particularly something she wears) and WILL NOT take it off.
Here's the sunglasses phase... or as she calls them "gasses". haha:)

Day #3 of the sunglasses... and pointing to her "brudder" :)

Her cheese face - atleast she took the glasses off for this one! :)

And now to the mittens.... she LOVES them and calls them her 'hands'. She is currently sleeping in them. She didnt care for them when it was cold, but now that its actually 60 degrees outside, she decides mittens are the way to go. Go figure! :)

playing with Daddy.... notice we're still wearing mittens.

wearing the mittens while drinking her cup of milk. She cracks me up!

On a lighter note, Kaitlyn has been HILARIOUS lately. It's amazing how fast she's learning... growing... changing. Lately, she becomes attached to an item (particularly something she wears) and WILL NOT take it off.
Here's the sunglasses phase... or as she calls them "gasses". haha:)

Day #3 of the sunglasses... and pointing to her "brudder" :)

Her cheese face - atleast she took the glasses off for this one! :)

And now to the mittens.... she LOVES them and calls them her 'hands'. She is currently sleeping in them. She didnt care for them when it was cold, but now that its actually 60 degrees outside, she decides mittens are the way to go. Go figure! :)

playing with Daddy.... notice we're still wearing mittens.

wearing the mittens while drinking her cup of milk. She cracks me up!

This upcoming week is what mommy has declared "Paci Detox Week". In the past week, i have spent $15 on new pacis... all to have EVERY one of them chewed with holes already!!!!! We're going to the poor house quickly on this one, so i figured it was due time to nix it. LORD HELP ME! If you think about me at all next week, PLEASE feel free to say a prayer - i will need all the strength and support i can get. I have a feeling it will be a long couple of days!
Here's a picture from the other day... as soon as i found out i was having a BOY this time, i pulled out all 3 30 gallon rubbermaid tubs of K's clothes (newborn - 18 months). LOOK AT ALL OF THIS! And to think some of those tubs aren't even empty yet. I was good though, I kept a tub for all of K's 'sentimental' clothes (what i brought her home in, first easter dress, etc) and then one tub is clothes i can still (hopefully) use with the boy, and the last tub is the tub of 'outgrown clothes' for this season. Phew! She had a TONNNNNNNNNN of clothes. :)