I have to say i knew it all along... just like i knew all along with Kaitlyn that she was a girl. Matt and I were laying in bed Thursday night after we found out, and he asked me... "how do you do that? how do you 'know'?" I have no idea... its just a mothers intuition, and i've been right BOTH times! :)
Here are the ultrasound pictures..
It's a BOY!

here are his sweet feet :)

his leg and both feet.

This is personally our favorite ultrasound picture.... he's already flexing for the cameras! Check out that bicep! :) (his elbow and knee are touching here)

the face shot...

cute little profile :)
I have to say i knew it all along... just like i knew all along with Kaitlyn that she was a girl. Matt and I were laying in bed Thursday night after we found out, and he asked me... "how do you do that? how do you 'know'?" I have no idea... its just a mothers intuition, and i've been right BOTH times! :)
Here are the ultrasound pictures..
It's a BOY!

here are his sweet feet :)

his leg and both feet.

This is personally our favorite ultrasound picture.... he's already flexing for the cameras! Check out that bicep! :) (his elbow and knee are touching here)

the face shot...

cute little profile :)
*Total weight gain/loss: around 8lbs so far... not too shabby.
*Maternity clothes? yes, even though they still swallow me... i'd much rather be comfy in stretchy jeans than to try and look 'cute' these days... haha:)
*Stretch marks? not yet...
*Sleep: ehhh... its alright, i guess.
*Best moment this week: finding out we have a little man to look forward to! :) And Kaitlyn being there when we found out! :)
*Movement: YES! :) He is SOOOOOOOOO much more active than Kaitlyn ever was. I told Matt to be ready... this ones coming out a soccer player.
*Food cravings: fast food this week. Cheeseburgers, Subway, fries... and still anything chocolate! :)
*Gender: BOYYYYYYYY!!!! :) So excited!
*Name: HA! We have NOOOOOOO idea. Possibly Caleb? We're still up in the air about names right now.
*Labor Signs: negative.
*Belly Button in or out? still in.
*What I miss: not having to pee 345,306 times a day.
*Weekly Wisdom: GOD IS GOOD... ALL THE TIME! AND ALL THE TIME... GOD IS GOOD! :) SO blessed with a healthy little boy! :)