SPRING IS HEREEEEE :) We are loving this weather!

Here i am at 20 weeks... HALFWAY THERE!!! :)

*How far along? 21 weeks today...
*Total weight gain/loss: who knows... its been almost a month since i last weighed - im a little nervous. Last time i checked it was 8lbs. However, i am POSITIVE its way more these days.
*Maternity clothes? some. pants - YES, definitely maternity. shirts - not as much because of the style these days, i can wear a lot of regular shirts just fine!:)
*Stretch marks? not yet...
*Sleep: its been alright. still getting up to pee 1-2 times a night.
*Best moment this week: spending the weekend with Matts grandparents/family in Danville, VA.
*Movement: yes - but not as much as in past weeks. maybe he's calming down a little. :)
*Food cravings: spaghetti!!!!!!!!! and chocolate.
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: we're thinking Caleb Matthew... still deciding though.
*Labor Signs: negative.
*Belly Button in or out? still in.
*What I miss: rocking Kaitlyn without feeling like i cant breathe. its getting more and more uncomfortable.
*Weekly Wisdom: I'm trying to soak all this time up that i have with just Kaitlyn right now... life is going to change drastically in a couple months, and it just makes me want to love on her a little more right now. :)

Here i am at 20 weeks... HALFWAY THERE!!! :)

*How far along? 21 weeks today...
*Total weight gain/loss: who knows... its been almost a month since i last weighed - im a little nervous. Last time i checked it was 8lbs. However, i am POSITIVE its way more these days.
*Maternity clothes? some. pants - YES, definitely maternity. shirts - not as much because of the style these days, i can wear a lot of regular shirts just fine!:)
*Stretch marks? not yet...
*Sleep: its been alright. still getting up to pee 1-2 times a night.
*Best moment this week: spending the weekend with Matts grandparents/family in Danville, VA.
*Movement: yes - but not as much as in past weeks. maybe he's calming down a little. :)
*Food cravings: spaghetti!!!!!!!!! and chocolate.
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: we're thinking Caleb Matthew... still deciding though.
*Labor Signs: negative.
*Belly Button in or out? still in.
*What I miss: rocking Kaitlyn without feeling like i cant breathe. its getting more and more uncomfortable.
*Weekly Wisdom: I'm trying to soak all this time up that i have with just Kaitlyn right now... life is going to change drastically in a couple months, and it just makes me want to love on her a little more right now. :)